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Review: Root Double (Switch Retail) Root-d10

Published by Sekai Games, developed by Regista Games and Yeti Games, and public relations by PR Hound, Double Root is a sci-fi visual novel with all the strengths and pitfalls of the genre, however it shines brilliantly in its unique storytelling! Is this enough to award it with an amazing level of recommendation? We think so and here's why:

Review: Root Double (Switch Retail) Rootdo10

The story in one possible route of the game is set in a severely damaged nuclear power facility that you must try to escape at all costs, however many suspicious characters and mysteries will stand in your way of the goal. Some of these characters will naturally help, but others have less than helpful ambitions that could spell trouble for your protagonist and allies. The game has a unique system of travel and certain unique features that really flesh-out this rather enjoyable visual novel.

The other route is a slice of life story that shows the daily lives of the protagonist and his friends and is quite lighthearted and bubbly compared to the other story route.

The length of the game of course depends greatly on the player, but a single playthrough should take less than 20 hours for most players. The controls are oddly a bit cumbersome at first, but it's pretty easy to adjust to rather quickly.

Review: Root Double (Switch Retail) Rootdo11

The audiovisual presentation of Root Double is absolutely gorgeous with gorgeous character designs, stylish UI, and great special effects you'd be hard-pressed to find anything unenjoyable about the graphics, and the soundtrack is just as amazing and fits the game like a glove!

Review: Root Double (Switch Retail) Rootdo12

Bottom-Line:With amazing storytelling, great characters with plenty of growth over the course of the story, and an incredible audiovisual presentation, Root Double is a top-notch sci-fi visual novel that is well worth purchasing if you enjoy the genre and as such, we give the game a nearly perfect level of recommendation!


Score: ★★★★★★★★★¾ 9.75/10



#Review #PRHound #SekaiGames #YetiGames #RegistaGames #Switch #eShop #Retail #VisualNovel


Staroceancrazy, DigiDestined, Ganondorfthewicked, Golden Freiza, Zatchbell, RyanNerdyGamer, SuperVash and like this post

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January 7th 2021, 6:55 pmKeAfan7
Our review is now live! Enjoy. Wink

Staroceancrazy, DigiDestined, Golden Freiza, RyanNerdyGamer, SuperVash, FM_Alchemist and Aqua Cherry Blossom like this post

January 7th 2021, 7:28 pmRyanNerdyGamer
For all those peeps who read an all-word novel and are like, “pics or it didnt happen lol”... well, this happened. And it has @Towafan7’s well-written seal of approval. Review: Root Double (Switch Retail) 631737971

Staroceancrazy, DigiDestined, Golden Freiza, Zatchbell, SuperVash, FM_Alchemist, Aqua Cherry Blossom and ToughGamer like this post

Aqua Cherry Blossom
January 7th 2021, 7:51 pmAqua Cherry Blossom
Nice review @Towafan7 lol. Smug

Staroceancrazy, DigiDestined, Zatchbell, RyanNerdyGamer, SuperVash and FM_Alchemist like this post

January 11th 2021, 4:37 pmKeAfan7
Thanks for the comments! king

DigiDestined, RyanNerdyGamer, SuperVash and FM_Alchemist like this post

January 14th 2021, 10:49 amStaroceancrazy
Awesome review @Towafan7 Exclamation

DigiDestined, RyanNerdyGamer, SuperVash and FM_Alchemist like this post

January 14th 2021, 1:01 pmDigiDestined
Nice review. =)

RyanNerdyGamer, SuperVash and FM_Alchemist like this post

January 15th 2021, 1:48 pmSuperVash
Great review! victory

RyanNerdyGamer and FM_Alchemist like this post

January 18th 2021, 4:17 pmZatchbell
This sounds like an interesting visual novel. Great review!

Golden Freiza, RyanNerdyGamer, FM_Alchemist and ToughGamer like this post

January 31st 2021, 3:59 pmFM_Alchemist
Great review!

RyanNerdyGamer likes this post

Golden Freiza
February 1st 2021, 1:19 amGolden Freiza
Nobody said I'd need a double root. Surprised

Review: Root Double (Switch Retail) I-dont10

KeAfan7, RyanNerdyGamer and ToughGamer like this post

February 3rd 2021, 6:50 pmKeAfan7
@MechaFreiza LMAO! lol!

RyanNerdyGamer and ToughGamer like this post

February 4th 2021, 11:57 pmRyanNerdyGamer
@MechaFreiza You mean like this?


I'm sure you could message them about the best route(s) to take, or at least ask the gondolier in person. Wink

ToughGamer likes this post

February 11th 2021, 10:54 amTsubasa
Awesome review! Very Happy

RyanNerdyGamer likes this post

February 11th 2021, 3:07 pmRyanNerdyGamer
@Towafan7 @MechaFreiza I tried to make a funny, but I just realised that, in some accents, "route" doesn't sound like "root", which messes up the whole "canal route in Venice" joke... Review: Root Double (Switch Retail) 1625187496
#HashtagEpicPunFail lol Bored/What the...?

Wait... "route" makes an "ooh" sound in some accents, and an "ow" sound in others... and root canal therapy is painful (without anaesthetic), and so is tripping and falling out of a gondola (ego bruising really can hurt)! Razz
#HashtagStealthPunSuccess lol lol!

"And then Bender Jacky ran!" sonic

ToughGamer likes this post

April 24th 2021, 7:36 pmGanondorfthewicked
Amazing review! 🤓

RyanNerdyGamer likes this post

May 3rd 2021, 1:20 pmTalesfanatic
Awesome review!

RyanNerdyGamer likes this post

July 30th 2021, 3:23 amElza
Great review!

@MechaFreiza I got the meme and here's another! 😂

Review: Root Double (Switch Retail) 200.gif?cid=c38ef77e866e0e2y5rg4gxkpa851m9aa85ncemcck281vnhc&rid=200

ToughGamer likes this post

August 8th 2021, 5:32 amToughGamer
Good review.
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