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No Other Game Like It!


Review: Sephonie (Switch eShop) Key-ar10

Developed by Analgesic Productions and published by Ratalaika Games, with public relations by PR Hound, Sephonie is one of, if not THE most unique game we've reviewed this year "or any other year" and doesn't really fully conform to any particular established game genre, that said is this game GoTY material, well...no, but it's a solid game and well-worth a purchase so continue reading our review to find out why!

Review: Sephonie (Switch eShop) GIF-wallrun

The game is simple enough, you take on the role of three scientists to study a certain phenomenon through platforming and puzzle solving and it all comes together in a great culmination of unique gameplay mechanics. The only real qualm we had was sometimes the platforming was a tad frustrating, but nothing that hampered our enjoyment of the game.

The puzzles are well made "especially the boss battle puzzles" which can be mind-bending and thoroughly challenging! The controls are mostly good, but the platforming felt a bit stiff in spots, but overall the controls are decent to solid!

Review: Sephonie (Switch eShop) New_0410

The game is fairly short clocking in at 6-8 hours and there's very little replay value, which is unfortunate, but the gameplay was so unique that we still went through the game again and enjoyed it just as much.

As for the visuals, they are pretty decent with nice 3D characters and environments, it won't knock your socks off, but still works well enough. The soundtrack was pretty good if a bit unmemorable, but overall was quite enjoyable.

Review: Sephonie (Switch eShop) GIF-linking

Bottom-Line: With unique and enjoyable gameplay, decent controls, and a good, but unmemorable soundtrack, Sephonie for the Nintendo Switch is a unique and fresh experience that we enjoyed, but it was somewhat unpolished in our opinions. Overall, however, we thought the game was a solid experience overall and as such we give the game a solid level of recommendation!


Score: ★★★★★★★¼☆☆ 7.25/10



#Review #AnalgesicProductions #RatalaikaGames #PRHound #Sephonie #Switch #eShop #Experimental #Indie #Platformer #Puzzler


Review: Sephonie (Switch eShop) Rukiafan7

Review: Sephonie (Switch eShop) 19654

Review: Sephonie (Switch eShop) Rukiafan7

Review: Sephonie (Switch eShop) 87457210

Review: Sephonie (Switch eShop) Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!

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August 21st 2023, 12:20 amKeAfan7
@OrionJZed @KokorOtaku @SunDownSamurai You haz been summoned!

Review: Sephonie (Switch eShop) 200.gif?cid=c38ef77ev1a2abbvd4zm0d8111mzfwhuc8rbf5c81o6qac9n&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200

Staroceancrazy and RyanNerdyGamer like this post

August 21st 2023, 4:23 amRyanNerdyGamer
Me: (sees GIF of character jumping around)
My thoughts:
🎶Might as well JUMP!
Go ahead and JU-U-UMP!
(Da da da do-do-do da do-do-do-do…)

#80sNightAtClubTripleDubz 🪩

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August 22nd 2023, 2:11 amRyanNerdyGamer
CONTEXT: I imagine if WiiWareWave were a nightclub, it’d be called Club Triple-Dubz, short for “Triple-Ws” (as in three Ws, for WiiWareWave)

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August 23rd 2023, 11:47 pmStaroceancrazy
Awesome review as always Exclamation

RyanNerdyGamer likes this post

August 24th 2023, 4:57 amRyanNerdyGamer
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