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Octokid Shorts: A Fan-Fiction Spin-Off Webseries by BlueRangerJack Empty Octokid Shorts: A Fan-Fiction Spin-Off Webseries by BlueRangerJack

December 6th 2020, 2:44 am
Hi all, and welcome to Octokid Shorts, a series of mini-episodes that showcases some of the many adventures of characters in the Squidkid Saga, including Ally-Squinn’s best friend Seth-Inkley, former Octopus Amazons Octabby and Octako, and everyone’s favourite palette/gender/competence swap of Squika, Podd! (Silly Author! There’s no such thing as a palette gender competence swap, those things are mutually EXCLUSIVE! Silly Author, hahaha!)

There’s also a set of shorts that focus on four new cameos, including one or more who are based on members of WiiWareWave! (Silly GeekyGamerZack! We can’t wear waves, they’re made of LIQUID WATER! Silly NintendoPurist, hahaha!)

Now, without further ado, here is the first Seth-Inkley Short, Squaraoke Contest. I hope you enjoy! CallieFan8, signing off! (Silly Zander! Your name’s not “CallieFan8”, it’s WIGGLES! Silly Zeddy-chan, hahaha!)

Seth-Inkley Shorts: Squaraoke Contest
AKA “The “Well, it’s ABOUT FRESHING TIME!” Mini-Episode”

Last edited by BlueWaverJack32 on January 5th 2021, 7:43 am; edited 1 time in total

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Octokid Shorts: A Fan-Fiction Spin-Off Webseries by BlueRangerJack Empty Re: Octokid Shorts: A Fan-Fiction Spin-Off Webseries by BlueRangerJack

December 10th 2020, 4:10 pm
Octabby Shorts: Nya-Nya-Nya-Nya Nyanyanyanya
AKA “The O’Kitty Nyanvasion” Mini-Episode”

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Octokid Shorts: A Fan-Fiction Spin-Off Webseries by BlueRangerJack Empty Re: Octokid Shorts: A Fan-Fiction Spin-Off Webseries by BlueRangerJack

September 17th 2022, 3:47 am
Podd Shorts: Iterations on a Format
AKA “The Thousand-Word Island Mini-Episode”

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Octokid Shorts: A Fan-Fiction Spin-Off Webseries by BlueRangerJack Empty Re: Octokid Shorts: A Fan-Fiction Spin-Off Webseries by BlueRangerJack

September 19th 2022, 1:50 am
Seth-Inkley Shorts:
AKA… wait… where the fresh is the mini-episode?!
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Octokid Shorts: A Fan-Fiction Spin-Off Webseries by BlueRangerJack Empty Re: Octokid Shorts: A Fan-Fiction Spin-Off Webseries by BlueRangerJack

September 19th 2022, 1:52 am
Octazura Shorts:
AKA… seriously? Who the fresh steals TWO mini-episodes?!
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Octokid Shorts: A Fan-Fiction Spin-Off Webseries by BlueRangerJack Empty Re: Octokid Shorts: A Fan-Fiction Spin-Off Webseries by BlueRangerJack

September 19th 2022, 2:42 am
Octowa Shorts: Vee Dare Rave
AKA “The Surprise Party Mini-Episode”


Last edited by OrionJZed on September 19th 2022, 4:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Octokid Shorts: A Fan-Fiction Spin-Off Webseries by BlueRangerJack Empty Re: Octokid Shorts: A Fan-Fiction Spin-Off Webseries by BlueRangerJack

September 19th 2022, 4:01 pm
@TowaHerschel7 Surprise! cheers
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Octokid Shorts: A Fan-Fiction Spin-Off Webseries by BlueRangerJack Empty Re: Octokid Shorts: A Fan-Fiction Spin-Off Webseries by BlueRangerJack

September 20th 2022, 12:56 am
@OrionJZed Bloopity Bloop Bloop Bloop. lol!

Octokid Shorts: A Fan-Fiction Spin-Off Webseries by BlueRangerJack Rukiafan7

Octokid Shorts: A Fan-Fiction Spin-Off Webseries by BlueRangerJack 19654

Octokid Shorts: A Fan-Fiction Spin-Off Webseries by BlueRangerJack Rukiafan7

Octokid Shorts: A Fan-Fiction Spin-Off Webseries by BlueRangerJack 87457210

Octokid Shorts: A Fan-Fiction Spin-Off Webseries by BlueRangerJack Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!

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Octokid Shorts: A Fan-Fiction Spin-Off Webseries by BlueRangerJack Empty Re: Octokid Shorts: A Fan-Fiction Spin-Off Webseries by BlueRangerJack

September 20th 2022, 9:26 pm
TowaHerschel7 wrote: @OrionJZed Bloopity Bloop Bloop Bloop. lol!
What are your thoughts on the “missing minisode” subplot? Surprised
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