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March 6th 2014, 9:40 pm
So I'm giving some serious thought towards starting a Dungeons & Dragons campaign on WiiWareWave. The participants would get to create characters and get a taste of what pen-and-paper roleplaying is like. Not to worry, it's easier than it sounds! As Dungeon Master, it would be my honour to teach the players the basics, assist with any help that may be needed, and provide the resources needed to build wonderful and unique characters. The campaign would be set in one of the worlds I've created such as Junihoshi, Panarcha or even Wyrmaria, and there will be discussions and maybe even a vote to find out which world you'd like to explore. I'm a fair DM, and more often than not if the party runs into trouble, I tend to throw a curve-ball in the players' favour. If you have any questions or are interested in playing, feel free to share your queries below. Have an awesome day! Smile


Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

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