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Inklinda no Gaiden Prerelease Info - A Previews by OrionJZed Empty Inklinda no Gaiden Prerelease Info - A Previews by OrionJZed

November 25th 2022, 8:30 pm
Hello, Splatfans, and weclome to th-

Inklein: Silly Author! “Previews” isn’t a singular, it’s a PLURAL! Silly Author, hahaha! Laughing

…anyway, this is your one-stop stop for all prerelease info on the long-awaited third-ish chapter of the Squidkid Saga, Inklinda no Gaiden. That’s right, this one stars everyone’s favourite rival to the protagonists of Squigley no Densetsu, including her BFF Squilma! (What?! How come SHE gets her own series, yet I’M stuck as a freshing deuteragonist to Squigley?! And after I saved Greater Inkopolis AND Squiggles from the Oct-)

First up is a sneak preview teaser trailer of what’s to come. Are you ready for those fuzzy-oozy good-lawlz you all know and love? (You haven’t answered my question, Author! Why does Stinklinda keep getting special treatme-)

Oh, and expect appearances from many of your Squidkid Saga faves, including a newly-promoted member of the New Squidbeak Splatoon! (Ooh… how exciting! Maybe I spoke too soon…? Hahaha… eh, I’m sure it’ll be wor-)

Inklinda no Gaiden: Teaser Trailer #1

My BFF (Best Frenemone Forever) is on an assignment SO top-secret that even SHE doesn’t know about it…

Squilma: Aight, you halibut-munchers, it’s just you and you and me…

Alpha and Beta stare at Squilma.

Alpha: Uh… RUDE!

Beta: She has a point, actually.

Alpha: Heheheh… “point”.

My BGF (Best Guy Friend) was saved from a fate worse than splatting, only to wind up in a DIFFERENT fate worse than splatting…

Harmony: Uh… does he, like, do that often?

Octanner: Yeah, just give him a minute or eight.

“Inklein”: [{Whaddaya expect?! This is a SUPER-RARE, mint-in-box, Sardinium Edition Meta-Squidkid figure, Goober! Can’t I have just THREE hours to drool over it, for fresh’s sake?!}]

Harmony: No! Not on the Zapfish plushes!

Octanner facepalms.

And my GBF (Goobery Boyfriend) can’t be within 3.8 cal-ometres of his GFF (Molinkular Inkling Doppelganger… okay, that one’s a stretch) without both their plot-convenient hyperpowers from destabilising the space-time cont-ink-uum…

Inkroy: -“Total Party Splat.”

Inklein: Silly Inkroy! This scene is from the Squidkid Saga Super-Shorts! Silly Ikayaki, hahaha!

Inklinda: Just… study your spellbook, sweetie.

Inklein: Oh, okay then!

Inklein picks up a book entitled “Player’s Handbook” and reads it upside-down.

So now, Octanner and I are on our way to Splatsville in order to-

Octanner: Hey, hey! Save SOME of the deets for, like, later or whatever, Lee!

Inklinda: Oh… sorry, haha.

“Inklein”: [{Silly Lindie, hahaha!}]

Inklinda: Wait… did you SERIOUSLY buy that stupid piece of shiny plastic, Fish-Breath?!

“Inklein”: [{Hey! I EARNT this fair and square!}]

Inklinda: That’s NOT what bothers me, Inkle-butt!

“Inklein”: [{Then what’s the probl-}]

Octanner: You removed it from the packaging and destroyed its collector value as a result.

“Inklein”: [{So? It’s a toy! It was born to be played with!}]

Inklinda: You don’t even have HANDS, Dumdum! AND you’re, like, two inches tall! How can you possibly PLAY with it?!

“Inklein”: [{Well, it’s a MECHA, so I can pilot it as a true-to-scale sized Squidkid. See?}]

”Inklein” leaps into the cockpit.

“Inklein”: [{“Never fear, Inkopolis! Squidkid is here to save you from Grilly the Salmonid!”}]

”Inklein” begins making garbled PEW-PEW-PEW sounds.

Inklinda: THIS isn’t gonna end well…

Inklein: [{Uh… I seem to be stuck in this thing… a little help?}]

The toy suddenly falls, pinning “Inklein” to the floor.

Octanner: You okay?

“Inklein”: [{Aw… the flashing light antenna fell off…}]

Inklinda: …or whatever.

The Squidkid Saga Trilogy all comes together full circle in… Inklinda no Gaiden: The Story Splatinues!

Inklinda’s voice: Actually, it’s just “Inklinda no Gaiden”…

Squika’s voice: What?! But threequels with long titles are SOOOOOOOO much better!

Squilma’s voice: I KNEW the Author shouldn’t have hired you as Creative Producer, Squeirdo…

Squigley’s voice: What? No, he didn’t!

Squilma’s voice: Squika! You LIED to me?!

Squika’s voice: Gotta go!

Squika super jumps away (apparently).

“Inklein”’s voice: [{Classic Squeaky, hahaha!}]

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Inklinda no Gaiden Prerelease Info - A Previews by OrionJZed Empty Re: Inklinda no Gaiden Prerelease Info - A Previews by OrionJZed

December 12th 2022, 8:02 pm
Next up, we have stills of the lead cast, including FIVE fan favourites from all three past chapters, one of whom is a full cast member for the very first time!

Let’s dive in… Happy

Inklinda no Gaiden Prerelease Info - A Previews by OrionJZed Cc902410
Now going by gender neutral pronouns, a sea-quence of events in Octanner no Monogatari leads Inklinda Squatson to relocate to the roving city of Splatsville, located in the Splatlands, alongside a few of their bestest friends (and Ally). But could an impromptu trip down a nondescript drain lead to them fulfilling a prophecy they’ve unknowingly avoided since Ally-Squinn no Shinwa?

Inklinda no Gaiden Prerelease Info - A Previews by OrionJZed B83e6e10
The newly-renamed-ish Octanner Merryman is the core reason for the group’s departure from Inkopolis, leading to a long-distance brothership with his other self, Squigley. What secrets and new experiences await in Splatsville, and how is the intrepid Wayo connected with the Chronicuttle?

Inklinda no Gaiden Prerelease Info - A Previews by OrionJZed 5be7f110
That’s right: Inklein’s real name is Jackson Inklébut (INK-lay-boo), or “Jax” for short. But something seems… off about him, and not in the normal-for-him way. Just what the fresh is up with him?!

Inklinda no Gaiden Prerelease Info - A Previews by OrionJZed Af35dc10
Restored once more to her natural Vemo self, Octobel DiGiaki (dih-YA-kee) is less interested in the “antics” that her friends enjoy so much, instead preferring to take on a more chillaxed vibe and lifestyle, including the hit cray-ze of Tableturf Battle.

Inklinda no Gaiden Prerelease Info - A Previews by OrionJZed Ad12ac10
The newly-promoted Capt. Ally-Squinn Maki of the New Squidbeak Splatoon is here too, though TECHNICALLY she’s kinda busy with some other side project that isn’t canonical to Splatoon 3 (those familiar with her chapter may be able to guess).
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