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Crystals of Silveria: Tide of a New Beginning - Teaser "Trailer" and Previews Empty Crystals of Silveria: Tide of a New Beginning - Teaser "Trailer" and Previews

November 17th 2015, 11:30 pm
Hey, Chromaicora Adventures fans! How good was the Crystals of Silveria finale? What's that? You say you want MORE episodes? Well...you may be in luck. It's not quite Crystals of Silveria II, but it IS set after the first season. Call it "Crystals 1.5", if you like. Be warned, as there are spoilers for those who have yet to read all of the first season. With that out of the way, here's your sneak peek at Crystals of Silveria: Tide of a New Beginning!

Last edited by GamerZack87 on November 23rd 2015, 1:12 am; edited 1 time in total
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Crystals of Silveria: Tide of a New Beginning - Teaser "Trailer" and Previews Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria: Tide of a New Beginning - Teaser "Trailer" and Previews

November 23rd 2015, 1:10 am
And now for some behind-the-scenes access to Crystals of Silveria: Tide of a New Beginning. This is where I reveal some tidbits of information about the special, but you'll have to wait a little while for the full course. Okay, let's begin!

Episode 1: The Sequel-Before-the-Sequel

It's pretty clear that Crystals of Silveria has its fans. I knew well before completing the series that a sequel series had to be made, which would follow the adventures of Zed after-


Bryn: WHOA, SPOILERS! Some of us haven't read that bit yet, y'know!


Uh...sorry about that. Anyway, in this special "1.5" episode, Zed is back in his hometown, and we get to know some of the townsfolk in greater detail. Some months have passed since the conclusion of the first season, and Zed is...well, let's just say he has a lot on his mind.


Zed: Every time I try to think of something...my mind wanders to a completely unrelated thought.

Amethyst: The pursuit of knowledge is never easy, but always worth the effort.

Zed: And then there are the dreams...

Amethyst: The dreams have returned?

Zed: Well...sort of.


Yes, Zed is still dreaming, but rather than merely foretelling his future, they are revealing both his past and current events. These dreams eventually lead him and his allies into Silvertooth Wood, an expansive forest which stretches along the entirety of northern Silveria across two kingdoms.



Kendall: Relax, Brocc, I know this forest like the back of my hand.

Mak: This specific part?

Kendall: Of course! There's the tree stump upon which I carved my initials, and over there is where my father and I marked our territory with-

Mak: Okay, too much information!


Oh, and an old foe makes an appearance! Who, you might ask? Well, why would I spoil that? Anyway, be sure to continue reading these segments for more info relating to this special. Until next time, have an awesome day! Smile
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Crystals of Silveria: Tide of a New Beginning - Teaser "Trailer" and Previews Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria: Tide of a New Beginning - Teaser "Trailer" and Previews

December 5th 2015, 5:07 pm
Episode 2: Would the Real Zed Starmute Please Go Home?

Okay, the story of this episode might not be quite what you were expecting, as there are a few plot points I have yet to discuss.


Zed: Whoa, what is this place...?

Erik: You truly do not recognise it?

Zed: I'll admit, it seems...kind of familiar...


That's right, we get to see Zed's homeland in detail, as well as learn a bit more about just who he is! But that's only half the story, as the others are busy getting ready for the Merchant's Festival, a celebration of commerce, gift-giving and eating food. No, it's not your favourite December holiday, but we may as well slap a big "Crystals of Silveria Holiday Special" sticker on this episode.


Brocc: Wait, wouldn't that sting slightly?


Oh yeah, and an old foe makes a reappearance as well.


Amethyst: No...it couldn't be...

Masked Dude: You expected better?

Bryn: Well yes, if I'm perfectly honest.

Masked Dude: How...how DARE you! I am the Great-


Oopsie, we're out of time for this episode! Stay tuned for the next behind-the-scenes look at this special episode of Crystals of Silveria! Crystals of Silveria: Tide of a New Beginning - Teaser "Trailer" and Previews 631737971
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Crystals of Silveria: Tide of a New Beginning - Teaser "Trailer" and Previews Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria: Tide of a New Beginning - Teaser "Trailer" and Previews

January 6th 2016, 4:46 pm
And now for some random quotes from the episode:

"WOOHOO! Unlimited free nachos, here I come!"

"You mean you’ve never played Rainbow Axis before?!"

"Axian? You mean that weird guy in the middle of the desert?"

Let me know your thoughts on those quotes with a comment below. Wink
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Crystals of Silveria: Tide of a New Beginning - Teaser "Trailer" and Previews Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria: Tide of a New Beginning - Teaser "Trailer" and Previews

January 8th 2016, 9:23 pm
Now for some major news: at the speed I'm currently typing, I should be ready to post the special within the next few hours or so! Are you ready for Zed's epic return? Happy
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Crystals of Silveria: Tide of a New Beginning - Teaser "Trailer" and Previews Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria: Tide of a New Beginning - Teaser "Trailer" and Previews

January 9th 2016, 5:48 pm
Sorry for the delay. I only had a few hours' sleep the night before and needed to go to bed early. Anyway, the special is now ready for viewing, and can be found right here! Included after the feature is a special bonus scene which will only ever be found right here, on WiiWareWave, no matter where this series ends up. The Chromaicora Adventures made their debut right here, so enjoy this extra little nugget of awesomeness! Wink
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