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RPG Maker MV (Nintendo Switch): Yay or nay? Empty RPG Maker MV (Nintendo Switch): Yay or nay?

December 20th 2020, 3:36 pm
‘tis as the title suggesteth, my fair friends and... uh... awesometh acquaintances. Wouldst thou recommendeth mine purchasething the softethware package entitled “RPG Maker MV” for mine Nintendo-crafted console of the Switch variety, or wouldst such a dessission resulteth in a programme not-dissimilar to the “RPG Maker MV” of Personal Computational engines? I beseecheth you, fair friends and... uh... amazingeth acquaintances: which action wouldst THOU opt to perform when staring into the face of such a dessission? scratch

”What the...? Is he trying to sound like he’s pretending to shake the proverbial spear, as some kind of metal-pun on those fantasy role-playing doodads?! Well, luckily your not-quite-as-old-as-I-look pal Cranky is here to translate for ya. Mad

Message, like like, reads or something however: Mad

“Hey! Just wondering if any of you would recommend getting RPG Maker MV for Nintendo Switch, or if I should just stick with the PC version. Please let me know! Clefairy

~Love, Cranky Jacky-chan~ I love you

There ya go. You’re, like like, welcome or somesuch freshness. Cranky outta da HOUSE! Mad

CRANKY flee. sonic
You earn 9,001 BLUEBERRY MUFFIN.”

Last edited by BlueRangerJack on December 23rd 2020, 9:15 am; edited 1 time in total

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RPG Maker MV (Nintendo Switch): Yay or nay? Empty Re: RPG Maker MV (Nintendo Switch): Yay or nay?

December 21st 2020, 2:20 am
Yay. Smile

You forgot to add a poll though. Very Happy

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RPG Maker MV (Nintendo Switch): Yay or nay? Empty Re: RPG Maker MV (Nintendo Switch): Yay or nay?

December 21st 2020, 2:41 am
@Amufungal That’s a wonderful idea. Thanks! I’ll add one first chance I get. Happy

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

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RPG Maker MV (Nintendo Switch): Yay or nay? Empty Re: RPG Maker MV (Nintendo Switch): Yay or nay?

December 27th 2020, 9:57 pm
Welp, I decided to buy it anyway, and I’ve begun work on my first project, which I hope to share with you all soon. I hope you look forward to it! victory

Oh yeah, the base theme - or “hook”, if you like - is “a trilogy within a trilogy within a trilogy”, with three core games that are each a part of their own individual trilogies, and bridged by at least two other titles that effectively complete the saga; however, each title is intended to function as a standalone entity, with the core titles essentially telling the same story from different viewpoints, and each having unique characters to meet and worlds to explore. Oh, and colour plays a huge part in building these tales (the core chapters are titled “Red”, “Green” and “Blue”, with the rest named after other hues...)

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

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