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Wii Are Back In Action!

WiiWareWave: Maintenance Notes 9/22/14  Header13

As many of you might have noticed WiiWareWave was down off and on during the weekend and activity dropped greatly as a result. As the owner and webmaster of WiiWareWave I must apologize for taking so long to deal with the issue, but I was feeling a bit under the weather this weekend and didn't even visit the site and as a result many members have been inconvenienced so I'll make sure to check the site at least once a day from now on no matter how sick I am to prevent this from happening again.

As an apology to the two-day outage of our forums and blogs we're giving away 1,000 WiiWareWave Coins to every member to use in our forum shop as well as giving away 2 North American Arrow Time U download codes to two random members who actively post in our blogs and forums this week!

We hope to see you around and wish you all luck during this week's game giveaway! If you have any questions or thoughts about the contest or website issues be sure to leave us a comment below!

WiiWareWave: Maintenance Notes 9/22/14  Rukiafan7

WiiWareWave: Maintenance Notes 9/22/14  19654

WiiWareWave: Maintenance Notes 9/22/14  87457210

WiiWareWave: Maintenance Notes 9/22/14  Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!
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September 22nd 2014, 12:17 pmAnime_Gurl
Welcome back Rukiafan! ^.^
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