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Fresh New Name And Snazzy New Logo Needed!


WiiWareWave News: WiiWareWave To Receive A Domain And Name Change! Header10

WiiWareWave is something of an enigma it started off strong and even competed with the likes of Nintendo Life and Nintendo Everything for a good long while, but sadly merely adding Sony coverage to our website wasn't enough to increase activity on our website.

We need to change our name because the Wii moniker is completely irrelevant and doesn't fit our new focus on general gaming rather than focusing solely on Nintendo.

So here's the deal, in just 50 days our domain will expire so we'd like to ask you folks to donate credits to our website so we can purchase a name change and a new domain! We need at least 2000 credits which is roughly $20 USD. Anything raised above that would allow us to disable adsense allowing us to provide safe and relevant ads as well as fewer ads in general on our website.

Also @GeekyGamerZack will "hopefully" be designing our new logo and background image for our website. We'll be holding a contest in September to find the new name for our website.

The new site will go live sometime in late-October. All content and users will be moved over to our new domain, however the site may be down for up to 48 hours during the move, though staff will still be able to access the site, forums, and PM system during this time.

Starting today our staff will resume reviewing games although at a slow rate, after the move we'll try to hire more staff and increase our output of reviews and other content.

What do you think of this news? As always be sure to let us know your thoughts in our comment section below!


#WiiWareWave #SiteNews #Domain #Name #Contest #Update


WiiWareWave News: WiiWareWave To Receive A Domain And Name Change! Rukiafan7

WiiWareWave News: WiiWareWave To Receive A Domain And Name Change! 19654

WiiWareWave News: WiiWareWave To Receive A Domain And Name Change! 87457210

WiiWareWave News: WiiWareWave To Receive A Domain And Name Change! Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!
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Yep! Laptop permitting, I'd like to design the new website banner. I have some ideas in mind, but any additional details would be appreciated. victory
@GeekyGamerZack Thanks a ton! You're a lifesaver! WiiWareWave News: WiiWareWave To Receive A Domain And Name Change! 631737971
About time. Wii was killing the website. Maybe GamingWave might be a better fit?
I suppose we could open a poll to decide the new website's name. It's @Reanfan's call, though (obviously). WiiWareWave News: WiiWareWave To Receive A Domain And Name Change! 631737971
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