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Fire Emblem Fanatics Empty Fire Emblem Fanatics

February 9th 2013, 4:09 pm
As you may know, Fire Emblem: Awakening is my first engagement with the series. With that said, Awakening is all it took to transform me into a Fire Emblem fanatic. Seriously, this game is just that damn good! I honestly believe Awakening is the very best tatical RPG you can purchase for any handheld or even home console system. I know an Awakening "impressions" thread already exists, but I'm past impressions at this point. I may even eventually look into purchasing prior entries in the series. If you still haven't been able to locate a physical copy, you should just download the game from the eShop already. Fire Emblem: Awakening is just too good of a game to keep waiting for. Do we have any other Fire Emblem fanatics in our presence here at WiiWareWave?

SkywardL, if you choose to purchase the complete "Champions of Yore" three pack of maps, do you happen to know if you still receive the hologram cards? I noticed the three pack only requires 56 blocks of space, while the "Champions of Yore" map packs one & two require 57 blocks by themselves alone. It doesn't really matter to me at this point, because I already decided upon purchasing this set of maps seperately. But I'd just like to know if I could've saved myself a few dollars, so I'll know better the next time a map bundle becomes available.

Follow me on MiiVerse: NINTENBRO82

Fire Emblem Fanatics Empty Re: Fire Emblem Fanatics

February 10th 2013, 12:41 pm
The worst decision I ever made as a tactician was deciding to continue progress after Virion died and not realizing that he is the only default archer class in the entire game. Archers are very important in Fire Emblem. I can't believe it took me this long to use Second Class to create a new archer.

To answer your questionNintenbro I'm positive that you do get hologram cards if you decide to purchase the bundle deal. I just find out that not all downloadable content for the game involves collecting cards Smile

Wii U NNID: SkywardL
3DS Friendcode: 1590 - 4719 - 1381

Fire Emblem Fanatics Empty Re: Fire Emblem Fanatics

February 10th 2013, 4:24 pm
That sucks L. I haven't allowed any party members or story characters to die in battle. The only allies I've allowed to die are Hubba's hologram's. But I'm also playing on normal difficulty, and I've only reached chapter seven (many resets). I'm saving the Second Seal for Sumia when she reaches level 10. Which will transform her into the Dark Pegasus class. Then when Crom & Sumia have their child I'll pass on the Dark Flier's level 15 skill "Galeforce". A skill which allows your character to move a second time, if they were able to defeat an enemy on their previous move. I believe if it's a male, Crom's son will also inherit the Royal Weapon skill. I have no idea what that skill allows for, though.

Follow me on MiiVerse: NINTENBRO82

Fire Emblem Fanatics Empty Re: Fire Emblem Fanatics

February 11th 2013, 4:10 pm
Get ready to get fanatic, my Fire Emblem Awakening review will be available tomorrow

Wii U NNID: SkywardL
3DS Friendcode: 1590 - 4719 - 1381

Fire Emblem Fanatics Empty Re: Fire Emblem Fanatics

February 12th 2013, 2:36 am
Nice! I hope the third "Champions of Yore" map is available tomorrow too. I just want to buy the last damn map already! There better be some major DLC available next month on the 7th.

Follow me on MiiVerse: NINTENBRO82

Fire Emblem Fanatics Empty Re: Fire Emblem Fanatics

February 13th 2013, 6:03 pm
I'm glad you all enjoy my lengthy review for Fire Emblem Awakening.


It took me awhile to get this information by myself, There is a new game plus. Unfortunately, it's exactly has starting a New Game save (which you actual do and rewrite your complete save file). Renowns are the only thing carry over. However, you won't be access the Renown items or wireless features until you beaten first 4 Chapters. I wish I can purchase Renown items during the early start in Lunatic difficulty (Causal Mode because I don't want to get a heart attack).

While the New Game Plus is falsely advertise, There is still plenty of reasons to have multiple playthroughs. A new feature in the extra options shows all the Support rankings, and character conversations, that you unlock for every character in the game. Go luck collecting them all and marrying everybody.

hurray I can finally take advantage of grinding through Hologram Cards via Spotpass and DLC in Lunatic difficulty.

Wii U NNID: SkywardL
3DS Friendcode: 1590 - 4719 - 1381

Fire Emblem Fanatics Empty Re: Fire Emblem Fanatics

February 17th 2013, 2:30 pm
I forced myself to play through paralogue three 3 times in row last night, just so that none of the villagers, except for one, died in the battle. You receive better rewards, depending upon the outcome, and I was originally very disappointed by Crom's reaction to the villager's death's. Anyways, I then proceeded to run through a couple of battles that popped up on screen, and I completed chapter eight. I tried out the third "Champions of Yore" map, but I couldn't keep Gregor alive for very long. I'll come back to that map very soon, though. I'll also decided to purchase the "Golden Pack" map bundle.

Follow me on MiiVerse: NINTENBRO82

Fire Emblem Fanatics Empty Re: Fire Emblem Fanatics

February 19th 2013, 12:37 pm
My unit/avatar, William: The Superior Tactician, has fledged a strong bond with Panne. I can't wait to see what their child will be like. I already have three Second Seals & two Master Seals, so now I'm just waiting for a couple party members to reach the level 20 cap. I believe Lon'qu is the closest to capping off, so I'll probably use a Second Seal on him. Since he levels up so damn quickly, I'm not going to worry about changing him into an advanced class just yet. Heck, I'm only on chapter 10, so I should have plenty of time to reach his second plateau.


Follow me on MiiVerse: NINTENBRO82

Fire Emblem Fanatics Empty Re: Fire Emblem Fanatics

March 15th 2013, 12:43 pm
Sumia finally reached level 15, and gained the Dark Flier's "Galeforce" skill, so now I can proceed past chapter twelve. Cordellia was maxed out, so I transformed her into a Falcon Knight. She should be able to hold her own now.

Follow me on MiiVerse: NINTENBRO82
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