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Fire Emblem Fates Empty Fire Emblem Fates

May 29th 2016, 5:23 pm
Anyone want to talk about the newest FE? I'm currently only on Chapter 3 in Lunitic mode, and havent progressed much, but I'll keep trying
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Fire Emblem Fates Empty Re: Fire Emblem Fates

May 30th 2016, 12:48 am
I really need to get Awakening and Fates, but there's too many great JRPG's that are getting in the way lol. xD

Fire Emblem Fates Rukiafan7

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Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!
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Fire Emblem Fates Empty Re: Fire Emblem Fates

June 1st 2016, 1:01 pm
@Ichigofan Likewise.

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Fire Emblem Fates Empty Re: Fire Emblem Fates

September 11th 2023, 8:52 pm
Whelp… my download copy of Fire Emblem Fates is no longer playable past the fifth chapter, because it’s impossible to choose and unlock a story path due to the Nintendo eShop’s closure. Fire Emblem Fates 1625187496

The good news is it’s still possible to play the Birthright and Conquest paths (provided I track down a physical copy of either), which kinda softens the blow of the Revelation path being permanently off-limits… talk about a Crux of Fate, amirite? Anime Sweat
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Fire Emblem Fates Empty Re: Fire Emblem Fates

September 12th 2023, 12:28 am
@OrionJZed Wait so even if you own Revelations you can no longer access the dlc? Deek move Nintendo. Middle Finger

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Fire Emblem Fates Empty Re: Fire Emblem Fates

September 12th 2023, 1:22 am
@Kain No, no… the DLC is accessible if you own it, as is every other purchased content. Nintendo isn’t entirely unreasonable. victory

The problem is I don’t own it, and wasn’t able to buy it prior to the eShop’s closure. Nintendo isn’t to blame for personal circumstances (long story). 🫤
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Fire Emblem Fates Empty Re: Fire Emblem Fates

September 17th 2023, 4:46 am
@Kain EDIT: I decided to re-download it and see what’d happen past Chapter 5. Turns out I already had the Path of Birthright, so the game’s fully playable after all… Anime Sweat

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