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What Zelda games have you beaten? Empty What Zelda games have you beaten?

February 9th 2012, 3:25 pm
I have beaten every Zelda game including Skyward Sword.

What Zelda games have you beaten? Empty Re: What Zelda games have you beaten?

February 9th 2012, 4:43 pm
Most of them except for the CDi games, Four Swords Adventure, the Oracle games, and Spirit Tracks (saved at end-game though).

What Zelda games have you beaten? 2q1w11s

What Zelda games have you beaten? Empty Re: What Zelda games have you beaten?

February 9th 2012, 5:00 pm
All of the ones from home Consoles

Alchemy the science to create something by giving up something of equal value. This law is called equivalent exchange.

What Zelda games have you beaten? Empty Re: What Zelda games have you beaten?

February 9th 2012, 5:34 pm
Most of them.

What Zelda games have you beaten? Leftdz10
What Zelda games have you beaten? Sigpic10
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