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Are Japanese games no longer relevant in the "west" ? Empty Are Japanese games no longer relevant in the "west" ?

September 19th 2011, 3:13 pm
I've heard this debate over and over JRPGs are Crab compared to western RPGs or people just don't give a Crab about Japanese games anymore.......I think Japanese games not only are still relevant but are still far better than western games
not a single western game would be on my top 50 favorite games list Razz

But what about you? How do you feel about this trend?

Are Japanese games no longer relevant in the "west" ? Empty Re: Are Japanese games no longer relevant in the "west" ?

September 19th 2011, 3:56 pm
No way!
Japan knows how to make fun games better then any western country king

Lets a go!

Are Japanese games no longer relevant in the "west" ? Pbucket

Are Japanese games no longer relevant in the "west" ? Empty Re: Are Japanese games no longer relevant in the "west" ?

October 2nd 2011, 4:29 pm
Nah. Don't think so at least...

Are Japanese games no longer relevant in the "west" ? Kero_s10

Are Japanese games no longer relevant in the "west" ? Empty Re: Are Japanese games no longer relevant in the "west" ?

October 2nd 2011, 11:04 pm
Japan rules over the primitive games of the "west" mwahaha Laughing you know I'm just kidding right? Laughing As long as a game is good it's relevant what is irrelevant are unimportant factors such as the region in which a game is developed Wink

Are Japanese games no longer relevant in the "west" ? Empty Re: Are Japanese games no longer relevant in the "west" ?

October 3rd 2011, 3:04 am
Sad I'm not sure but Japan receives all the coolest games and technology, while we get to wonder what it's like.

Follow me on MiiVerse: NINTENBRO82

Are Japanese games no longer relevant in the "west" ? Empty Re: Are Japanese games no longer relevant in the "west" ?

November 13th 2011, 1:06 pm
I just want Xenoblade Chronicles NOW D:

Are Japanese games no longer relevant in the "west" ? _hack10

Are Japanese games no longer relevant in the "west" ? Empty Re: Are Japanese games no longer relevant in the "west" ?

November 13th 2011, 6:25 pm
Theyre still relevant to me.

Are Japanese games no longer relevant in the "west" ? Empty Re: Are Japanese games no longer relevant in the "west" ?

January 22nd 2012, 2:29 am
They're definitely relevant in the west, but they're not as in-your-face with advertisements as the latest shooter might be. People still eat up all of Nintendo's major franchises, as well as several child-friendly and mature franchises. Games like Demon's Souls seem to be doing well, same with fighters.

I do sense something of a decline, but I believe it's because the western industry has now had time to establish itself whereas Japanese companies dominated other generations where AAA games are concerned.

Are Japanese games no longer relevant in the "west" ? 2q1w11s
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