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techno/trance drum n bass songs  Empty techno/trance drum n bass songs

August 9th 2011, 1:37 pm
i thought i might wanna add little sound to this forum Razz by doin a topic where you can post techno, trance, anime trance, drum n bass, electrohouse style. anything with electronic sound. so start make some noise. check this song out

techno/trance drum n bass songs  15zr1gx

my friends code:
super smash bros brawl = 2838-4154-7461
mario kart wii = 2622-9874-2387
mario striker super charged = 3010-2663-2823

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Silks_11
techno/trance drum n bass songs  Orihim10
techno/trance drum n bass songs  Navi
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techno/trance drum n bass songs  Empty Re: techno/trance drum n bass songs

August 9th 2011, 6:30 pm
Nice song Very Happy

 photo -2aR7jeVlapQ8T2teqnjwjJaYQo_zpscf21dd89.gif

Fighting evil by moonlight.
Winning love by daylight.
Never running from a real fight.
she is the one named sailor moon!

From the Sailor Moon opening song.

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Empty Re: techno/trance drum n bass songs

August 9th 2011, 11:52 pm
here is another awesome song but this one is drum n bass style.hope you like it anyway

techno/trance drum n bass songs  15zr1gx

my friends code:
super smash bros brawl = 2838-4154-7461
mario kart wii = 2622-9874-2387
mario striker super charged = 3010-2663-2823

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Silks_11
techno/trance drum n bass songs  Orihim10
techno/trance drum n bass songs  Navi
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techno/trance drum n bass songs  Empty Re: techno/trance drum n bass songs

August 10th 2011, 12:57 am
Not bad Very Happy

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Rukiafan7

techno/trance drum n bass songs  19654

techno/trance drum n bass songs  87457210

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Empty Re: techno/trance drum n bass songs

August 10th 2011, 1:01 am
you have any good sound you wanna share with us rukiafan?

techno/trance drum n bass songs  15zr1gx

my friends code:
super smash bros brawl = 2838-4154-7461
mario kart wii = 2622-9874-2387
mario striker super charged = 3010-2663-2823

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Silks_11
techno/trance drum n bass songs  Orihim10
techno/trance drum n bass songs  Navi
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techno/trance drum n bass songs  Empty Re: techno/trance drum n bass songs

August 10th 2011, 1:31 am
Here's one from my favorite PS2 game Very Happy
techno/trance drum n bass songs  Watch?v=E7BXpx0Zttk

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Rukiafan7

techno/trance drum n bass songs  19654

techno/trance drum n bass songs  87457210

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Empty Re: techno/trance drum n bass songs

August 10th 2011, 1:32 am
i cant see it. does the link work?

techno/trance drum n bass songs  15zr1gx

my friends code:
super smash bros brawl = 2838-4154-7461
mario kart wii = 2622-9874-2387
mario striker super charged = 3010-2663-2823

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Silks_11
techno/trance drum n bass songs  Orihim10
techno/trance drum n bass songs  Navi
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techno/trance drum n bass songs  Empty Re: techno/trance drum n bass songs

August 10th 2011, 1:34 am

Last edited by Rukiafan on August 10th 2011, 2:30 am; edited 1 time in total

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Rukiafan7

techno/trance drum n bass songs  19654

techno/trance drum n bass songs  87457210

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Empty Re: techno/trance drum n bass songs

August 10th 2011, 1:48 am
umm rukiafan not to being picky but its not techno,trance or drum n bass song

techno/trance drum n bass songs  15zr1gx

my friends code:
super smash bros brawl = 2838-4154-7461
mario kart wii = 2622-9874-2387
mario striker super charged = 3010-2663-2823

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Silks_11
techno/trance drum n bass songs  Orihim10
techno/trance drum n bass songs  Navi
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techno/trance drum n bass songs  Empty Re: techno/trance drum n bass songs

August 10th 2011, 2:15 am
oh sorry xD

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Rukiafan7

techno/trance drum n bass songs  19654

techno/trance drum n bass songs  87457210

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Empty Re: techno/trance drum n bass songs

August 10th 2011, 2:18 am
its ok. try again if you want ^^

techno/trance drum n bass songs  15zr1gx

my friends code:
super smash bros brawl = 2838-4154-7461
mario kart wii = 2622-9874-2387
mario striker super charged = 3010-2663-2823

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Silks_11
techno/trance drum n bass songs  Orihim10
techno/trance drum n bass songs  Navi
Super Poster!
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techno/trance drum n bass songs  Empty Re: techno/trance drum n bass songs

August 10th 2011, 2:42 am
Now I KNOW this IS techno Very Happy

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Rukiafan7

techno/trance drum n bass songs  19654

techno/trance drum n bass songs  87457210

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Empty Re: techno/trance drum n bass songs

August 10th 2011, 5:09 am
thats good. however it seems im better though lolz. just kidding. anyway here is a awesome techno song. NOTE: its not about sex. its just its name. enjoy this electrohouse techno song


WOAH DUDE ! that pic in the background was VERY suggestive ! if you really want to show just the song, put a link then a warning next time ! - Jnes5

Last edited by Jnes5 on August 10th 2011, 3:45 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : suggestive themes)

techno/trance drum n bass songs  15zr1gx

my friends code:
super smash bros brawl = 2838-4154-7461
mario kart wii = 2622-9874-2387
mario striker super charged = 3010-2663-2823

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Silks_11
techno/trance drum n bass songs  Orihim10
techno/trance drum n bass songs  Navi

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Empty Re: techno/trance drum n bass songs

July 1st 2012, 2:54 pm
Good songs! Wink

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Empty Re: techno/trance drum n bass songs

July 1st 2012, 7:11 pm

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Empty Re: techno/trance drum n bass songs

July 1st 2012, 10:14 pm
nice songs for sure

techno/trance drum n bass songs  15zr1gx

my friends code:
super smash bros brawl = 2838-4154-7461
mario kart wii = 2622-9874-2387
mario striker super charged = 3010-2663-2823

techno/trance drum n bass songs  Silks_11
techno/trance drum n bass songs  Orihim10
techno/trance drum n bass songs  Navi
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