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Whose feeling real pumped for SEGA Astro Arcade MINI? :D Empty Whose feeling real pumped for SEGA Astro Arcade MINI? :D

July 16th 2020, 6:46 pm
So from about over a week ago when I am go over my favorite SEGA news site as usual, Alternative Hello I have my heart all rave up upon seeing both the title and the preview image of an Astro City Mini Feeling Wonderful Pool Weather / Hot, which shows that the folks at SEGA, of it toy devision 'SEGA TOYS', has announced that they're doing a minimization of their renown Astro City Arcade cabinets that greatly populate the Acrades in Japan and that amoung the other Asian Countries, hance making these very places themselves as arcade gamers heavens on earth. Alternative Thumb's-

Knowing on just how well of a big SEGA fan I am, I couldn't help but to be ultra pumped for the folks working in SEGA in making such an awesome announcement, and yet seem to be keeping it a secret til now as an awesome way in creating a great surprise for the gaming landscape to happily marvel on. Feeling Wonderful  Alternative Thumb's-  Pool Weather / Hot

While it understandle that some of us might expect an announcement of a development of a Saturn Mini at some point for being one of my favorite SEGA game Consoles along side the Master System (in a good thoughtful, sensible manner, of course Who knows?).

Though since I actually have a strong deep respect for the folks at SEGA for a great many wonders they did, I say it alright for them to only do so whenever they are comfortable when they feel like it. Alternative Hello

So as a way of saying for the good folks at SEGA pleases take as much time as you feel you need in getting motivated in good natural way, as in having a good inspiration will make the development all the enjoyable as a happy experience. Whose feeling real pumped for SEGA Astro Arcade MINI? :D 631737971 sonic

Also to add, from looking at the announcements of the first 10 titles that are going to be on the Astro City Mini, upon seeing that 'Golden Axe: Revenge of Death Adder' and 'Dark Edge', two awesome titles that are once exclusively released on an arcade platform til announced, has got me all so real pumped that the folks at SEGA are gladly thoughtful in making both of these title available for the very first time for people to own take home.

Definitely an awesome move I show a great sense of deep gratitude for my favourite Japanese game company, as I always know that the folks at SEGA would make a real awesome impressive in terms on how great they're in game development, along side the folks from Nintendo and SNK. Alternative Thumb's- victory

From looking from the titles been announced so far, I have a good feeling that SEGA Astro City Mini is gonna be another of SEGA's awesome praise winning consoles, as in possibly the same way that the Mega Drive Mini has enjoyed upon it's release, which something I'm definitely really looking towards for sure. Feeling Wonderful  Pool Weather / Hot victory sonic 😉

Well anyhow, gotta hit the speed lend. Who knows?  Catch ya again sometime. VROOOOM!!!!! sonic

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Whose feeling real pumped for SEGA Astro Arcade MINI? :D Empty Re: Whose feeling real pumped for SEGA Astro Arcade MINI? :D

July 17th 2020, 1:31 am
If it includes Knuckles' Chaotix and/or SegaSonic the Hedgehog, then count me in! Alternative Thumb's-

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Whose feeling real pumped for SEGA Astro Arcade MINI? :D Empty Re: Whose feeling real pumped for SEGA Astro Arcade MINI? :D

July 18th 2020, 9:36 am
I never got why mini arcade machines are so popular when you can't play the damn things unless you have baby hands.

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Whose feeling real pumped for SEGA Astro Arcade MINI? :D Empty Re: Whose feeling real pumped for SEGA Astro Arcade MINI? :D

July 18th 2020, 2:25 pm
@catfood Honestly, I think the fact that the NEOGEO Arcade Mini includes optional controllers is ingenious, and the Astro City Mini will be a no-brainer if SEGA follows suit. My hands may not be overly buff, but I still have difficulty trying to use any kind of device that's smaller than... uh... a device that is the smallest it can possibly be for me to still be able to use with reasonable ease and comfort (Oooookay, they were right about an author's characters being reflections of some aspect of their psyche, and I think I just tripped over the part that resulted in Sven Pharrschott thanks to that redundantly-tautologous analogy. Razz).
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