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Breaking News: Our Webhost Has Updated Our Web Engine. Header10

WiiWareWave's webhost, Forumotion has upgraded our forum version from PunBB to ModernBB a much more sleek and mobile friendly software, however with this comes incompatibility issues with many of our features. Also since the software is in Beta there are plenty of visual bugs, but our webhost should squash those relatively soon!

There is a fantastic positive to this update in the fact that most if not all of our features should now work on mobile devices and yes, even the 3DS browser which we're hearing can even run the live chat feature which was never possible before!

We'll try to work with our webhost to fix any visual issues and other bugs, but in the meantime be sure to let us know what you think in our comment section below, however keep in mind that our staff had nothing to do with the update.


#WiiWareWave #Update #Website #Webhost #SiteUpdate


Breaking News: Our Webhost Has Updated Our Web Engine. Rukiafan7

Breaking News: Our Webhost Has Updated Our Web Engine. 19654

Breaking News: Our Webhost Has Updated Our Web Engine. 87457210

Breaking News: Our Webhost Has Updated Our Web Engine. Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!
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Hmm. I like the new update while posting on the go, but it looks simply awful on google chrome and firefox. There are a few things broken too like the search bar. Sad
March 19th 2017, 11:49 amSonicKnuckles
At least the website works again, but it looks awful right now. Neutral
Not a fan of the new look, but at least everything is working again! Breaking News: Our Webhost Has Updated Our Web Engine. 631737971
April 20th 2017, 1:35 amRyanNerdyGamer
I've had to rely mainly on the mobile version of the site for clarity, especially when posting new content, but I look forward to a more polished version of this site! Breaking News: Our Webhost Has Updated Our Web Engine. 631737971
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