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Where are the third parties? Empty Where are the third parties?

August 2nd 2014, 11:58 am
I understand the Wii U since it has a small install base, but why are third parties abandoning the 3DS which is the best selling dedicated gaming device currently available lol? Rolling Eyes

Where are the third parties? 1210

Where are the third parties? D9qgr310

Obsessive member of WiiWareWave :]
Wii FC 1724-3424-1981-0846

Where are the third parties? Empty Re: Where are the third parties?

August 2nd 2014, 2:29 pm
i really don't know.
the 3DS is the best system out there,
so i guess people like murdering people rather than saving princesses i guess.

Where are the third parties? WiiU_screenshot_GamePad_01070_phixr
sorry to say, i'm banned on miiverse.
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