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The New Super Mario Bros. DS review is gone D| Empty The New Super Mario Bros. DS review is gone D|

January 12th 2013, 12:42 pm
The article is still there, but the first post that contained the review is missing. D|

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The New Super Mario Bros. DS review is gone D| 53c5df15-b149-4f0c-b2bb-1fd33703fe9f_zps243b0592
Golden Freiza
Golden Freiza

The New Super Mario Bros. DS review is gone D| Empty Re: The New Super Mario Bros. DS review is gone D|

January 12th 2013, 12:49 pm
I just checked and can confirm that it's missing.

The New Super Mario Bros. DS review is gone D| Tenor

"I know this sounds cheap, but... just call me Golden Frieza."
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