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Saved a baby bird that fell from tree, but got bird flu from her. Empty Saved a baby bird that fell from tree, but got bird flu from her.

October 14th 2012, 12:01 pm
Yeah thankfully the baby Bluejay survived, but we contracted bird flu from her after nursing her back to health and sending her to a bird sanctuary, luckily since we already contracted the same strain of bird flu earlier this year we weren't in any danger of serious side-effects from the virus thanks to increased immunity. Wink

Saved a baby bird that fell from tree, but got bird flu from her. Rukiafan7

Saved a baby bird that fell from tree, but got bird flu from her. 19654

Saved a baby bird that fell from tree, but got bird flu from her. 87457210

Saved a baby bird that fell from tree, but got bird flu from her. Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!

Saved a baby bird that fell from tree, but got bird flu from her. Empty Re: Saved a baby bird that fell from tree, but got bird flu from her.

October 14th 2012, 3:33 pm
Oh, wow.. Well, glad things are ok. You did the right thing.

The end of the komicturtle saga? No babe, it never ends victory
Saved a baby bird that fell from tree, but got bird flu from her. Pokemonbannere4-1

Saved a baby bird that fell from tree, but got bird flu from her. Empty Re: Saved a baby bird that fell from tree, but got bird flu from her.

October 14th 2012, 4:17 pm
Glad you're okay. Very Happy

Gotta Catch em' All!

Saved a baby bird that fell from tree, but got bird flu from her. 010

Saved a baby bird that fell from tree, but got bird flu from her. Empty Re: Saved a baby bird that fell from tree, but got bird flu from her.

October 14th 2012, 4:36 pm
You just never know what you're going to read about next, when it comes to Rukiafan. Very Happy

Follow me on MiiVerse: NINTENBRO82

Saved a baby bird that fell from tree, but got bird flu from her. Empty Re: Saved a baby bird that fell from tree, but got bird flu from her.

October 14th 2012, 6:02 pm
oh wow that's a good deed you did but that's sad that you got the bird flu!

I had something kinda like it happen...

I was pacing back-n-forth on the back porch and I saw a spider and didn't wanna step on it cuz I like spiders...

I twisted my ankle in the process! :-( hurt like hell for 2 weeks....
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