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Resident Evil Revelations  Empty Resident Evil Revelations

August 9th 2012, 11:05 pm
Hey all I was wondering if anyone around here has played Resident Evil Revelations.

I am sorry if this is a dup topic and I tried looking for a RER thread but the only one I found was one for Raid mode if this is a dup topic no problem if you lock it mods.

Anyway I have had this game for a few months now and haven't played it yet cause I was waiting to get a CPP. Well since than I heard of Nyko coming out with a Power Pad Pro which I like better than the CPP but thats not out till October last I checked. Well now I am getting an itch to play it and I am wondering if anyone has played it with and without the CPP and what are the differences are.

Does the CPP make it easier to play the game or is their not that much of a difference?

Sorry for the lengthy thread but I have asked this on a few sites and no one could really give me an answer.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Resident Evil Revelations  Empty Re: Resident Evil Revelations

August 9th 2012, 11:20 pm
I don't have the CCPro but like you, been wanting to play- mostly in Raid Mode with someone. I use the Gyro controls since it's more immersive for me and it's far intuitive.

The end of the komicturtle saga? No babe, it never ends victory
Resident Evil Revelations  Pokemonbannere4-1

Resident Evil Revelations  Empty Re: Resident Evil Revelations

August 9th 2012, 11:32 pm
Yeah I heard that Gyro was a way to go too but I don't know I tried using the Gyro controls on MK7 but I just couldn't get the hang of them. Oh well maybe I will try them out in RER and see how I like it.

Resident Evil Revelations  Empty Re: Resident Evil Revelations

August 9th 2012, 11:44 pm
Yeah, I'm not a big fan of gyro in MK7 mostly because of the first person perspective. I love the motion controls in MKWii, so it's sad the Gyro controls in MK7 is restricted to 1st person only.

The end of the komicturtle saga? No babe, it never ends victory
Resident Evil Revelations  Pokemonbannere4-1

Resident Evil Revelations  Empty Re: Resident Evil Revelations

August 10th 2012, 9:30 am

Nintendo Network ID: KingreX32


Resident Evil Revelations  Captaincanucksigcopy

Resident Evil Revelations  Empty Re: Resident Evil Revelations

August 10th 2012, 9:32 am
Oh thanks for the link Kingre. I will check that out on my break at work today.

Resident Evil Revelations  Empty Re: Resident Evil Revelations

August 10th 2012, 9:42 am
no prob

Nintendo Network ID: KingreX32


Resident Evil Revelations  Captaincanucksigcopy
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