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A Offer for WiiWareWave

6 posters
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A Offer for WiiWareWave Empty A Offer for WiiWareWave

April 23rd 2012, 1:26 am
Hey everyone,

I've had a good look through all the forums here and it's a nice place to be at. I am a long tern gamer myself and been working on a big project about Nintendo online for a few months. I have a idea with this forum and how to really create something different on the internet for Nintendo fans worldwide.

If people are interest in hearing me out that would be great and I can reveal more details about my thoughts and ideas.


Chris Ticehurst
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A Offer for WiiWareWave Empty Re: A Offer for WiiWareWave

April 23rd 2012, 1:29 am
First of all Welcome to WiiWareWave. Wink
Second What's your idea?

A Offer for WiiWareWave Rukiafan7

A Offer for WiiWareWave 19654

A Offer for WiiWareWave Rukiafan7

A Offer for WiiWareWave 87457210

A Offer for WiiWareWave Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!

A Offer for WiiWareWave Empty Re: A Offer for WiiWareWave

April 23rd 2012, 1:46 am
Welcome to WiiWareWave mate :-D
Super Poster!
This member has made a splash by posting over 10,000 messages and comments in our community!
Mega Coinage!
This kind user has earned over 50,000 Coins! Happy posting!

A Offer for WiiWareWave Empty Re: A Offer for WiiWareWave

April 23rd 2012, 1:55 am
Feel free to PM me or WiiWareWave's co-owner Sneaker about this idea. Wink
BTW I'm Rukiafan from TAZ. A Offer for WiiWareWave 631737971

A Offer for WiiWareWave Rukiafan7

A Offer for WiiWareWave 19654

A Offer for WiiWareWave Rukiafan7

A Offer for WiiWareWave 87457210

A Offer for WiiWareWave Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!

A Offer for WiiWareWave Empty Re: A Offer for WiiWareWave

April 23rd 2012, 2:35 am
I sent the offer via PM and waiting for a reply. Looking forward to answering any questions concerned.

Nintendo Ninja News - www.nintendoninjanews.com

A Offer for WiiWareWave Empty Re: A Offer for WiiWareWave

April 23rd 2012, 8:16 am
Welcome to Wiiwarewave. Im KingreX32 one of the admins here.

Enjoy the site. Im also intrested in your proposal.

Nintendo Network ID: KingreX32


A Offer for WiiWareWave Captaincanucksigcopy

A Offer for WiiWareWave Empty Re: A Offer for WiiWareWave

April 23rd 2012, 10:57 am
Welcome and your ideas are welcome as well.

Wii U NNID: SkywardL
3DS Friendcode: 1590 - 4719 - 1381
Biorn the Viking
Biorn the Viking

A Offer for WiiWareWave Empty Re: A Offer for WiiWareWave

April 23rd 2012, 2:08 pm
Welcome to the site, Christicehurst. Hope you enjoy your stay! Smile

"If challenge had a taste, you'd be quite delicious." - Travis Touchdown.
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