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Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Character Backstories Empty Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Character Backstories

October 16th 2022, 1:55 pm
One thing I like to do is come up with imaginative descriptions of my custom characters, including backstories, quirks, and the dynamics between them and other plavatars in the same game.

As an example, here’s my full roster in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2; naturally, my inclination toward lightheartedness and humour means they’re inspired by TeamFourStar (with at least one of ‘em voiced by a TFS member).

Ready? Here we lol!

Last edited by OrionJZed on October 16th 2022, 1:59 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Can’t easily add images to the first post on mobile…)
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Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Character Backstories Empty Re: Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Character Backstories

October 16th 2022, 2:06 pm
Sairoole, Tempu-Force Owie!
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Character Backstories 71d71310
A cosmic traveller with distant ties to Saiyan nobility, the calm and mysterious (yet surprisingly cheeky) Sairoole Babloun finds himself on a planet called... "Eee-arth"... yeah, I've never heard of it either. :/

Anyway, he now leads a team to fix time or something. Um... cool?

Aquameri, Tempu-Force Sore-Ow!
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Character Backstories 22744310
A member of a Saiyan-like race called... "Hoo-mins"... and an amazingly skilled swimmer for her species (apparently), Aquameri Pythagoras is also a noted scientist specialising in Xenobiology and Quantum Physics.

She also makes a mean seafood casserole (figuratively speaking).
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Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Character Backstories Empty Re: Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Character Backstories

October 16th 2022, 2:10 pm
Rimegryn, Tempu-Force Me-D’oh!
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Character Backstories Dfcf0410
Unlike some of their kind's more notorious members, the obsidian-scaled Rimegryn is "One with the Natural Order," and was exiled for "unethical" practices," namely helping a whole planet's ecosystem flourish instead of... y'know.

Naturally, Frieza considers them a [CENSORED].

Pastelle, Tempu-Force Ki-YAAAGH!
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Character Backstories 2d025810
What he lacks in stature, Pastelle Fructoz makes up for in personality. Loud, down-to-earth, humble, enthusiastic, learned, tall, headstrong, lemons... these and more describe this Hoo-min according to his Spacebook wall.

Clearly, it seems every Eee-arthan has a unique opinion.
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Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Character Backstories Empty Re: Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Character Backstories

October 16th 2022, 2:15 pm
Trussett, Tempu-Force Idontneedastupidcallsign!
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Character Backstories 1de87110
The self-defined "Orange to Sairoole's Blue," the sly-kable bounty huntress Trussett Glibbon fancies herself as the One True Foil to her Irn-Bru-haired fellow Saiyan, and would go "to Hifl and back" to prove that point.

Stealing his first crush may have been TOO far, however...

Vemilleo, Tempu-Force Ack-AAACH!
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Character Backstories 6e5afa10
Whatever you do, don't make Vemillio Blufire happy.

You wouldn't like it when he's happy.

Unless your name is Sairoole. And you're a Saiyan.

Because only Sairoole appreciates being the recipient of a life-debt hex from Vemillio.

Proof that everyone has a soulmate (or Majin).
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Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Character Backstories Empty Re: Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Character Backstories

October 16th 2022, 2:22 pm
Carcorlh, Tempu-Force Pink-OO-HOO-HOO-HOOOH!
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Character Backstories 7ab6e910
The only extant albino Namekian in the whole universe, it's a wonder Carcorlh even exists, if not for a recessive gene present in his father (though it's unknown how it occurred in a single-parent species).

Has been known to wear a lampshade as a hat. Lampshades are cool.

Indigora, Tempu-Force Mmm… RAARGH!
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Character Backstories 723b6510
Indigora Gaelwyn warned Sairoole about saving her cousin Vemilleo’s life. Never did she expect the "idiotic space baboon" to befriend him. Now, she really HAS seen it all in her (still relatively brief) existence.

Is easily swayed by baked goods. Especially windowsill pies.
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