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News: Nintendo Direct Incoming Tomorrow! Ninten10

It has been a longtime coming, February if memory serves us "looks at calendar" yes, February and Nintendo has finally announced their September Nintendo Direct and it is a whopper at 40 minutes in length focusing on games releasing by the end of Winter! The broadcast is set to broadcast tomorrow/today depending on your timezone at 7:00 AM PDT / 10:00 AM EDT / 2:00 PM GMT / 3:00 PM BST! Rumors circulating include Zelda BoTW 2, F-Zero, a new 2D Mario game, and the possible addition of Gamecube and or GB/GBC consoles added to the NSO service. What are your thoughts or hopes for the Direct? Be sure to let us know in our comments section below!

Source: Nintendo Life.


#News #NintendoDirect #Switch #eShop #Showcase #Nintendo #Gaming


News: Nintendo Direct Incoming Tomorrow! Rukiafan7

News: Nintendo Direct Incoming Tomorrow! 19654

News: Nintendo Direct Incoming Tomorrow! Rukiafan7

News: Nintendo Direct Incoming Tomorrow! 87457210

News: Nintendo Direct Incoming Tomorrow! Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!

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Aqua Cherry Blossom
September 12th 2022, 10:21 pmAqua Cherry Blossom
Oh yay lol. I want Mother 3, Mario Kart 8: Battle Course and Character pass, and Xenoblade Chronicles X: Ultimate Edition with a large end game expansion with a proper ending lol. Smug

Supertimbros and RyanNerdyGamer like this post

September 13th 2022, 1:27 amRyanNerdyGamer
Pyrafan7 wrote:It has been a longtime coming, February if memory serves us "looks at calendar" yes, February
Hahaha! lol!

Ooh… Pokémon Stadium, please! Clefairy

Supertimbros and Aqua Cherry Blossom like this post

September 13th 2022, 8:56 amSupertimbros
@OrionJZed Your wish is granted by the great Malimute Penguin in the sky. Razz

RyanNerdyGamer and Aqua Cherry Blossom like this post

September 13th 2022, 1:55 pmRyanNerdyGamer
@Supertimbros Oily Fronk!!!1! Shocked

(Trust me to sorta kinda howda predict the future again… and for my next trick- Razz)

Aqua Cherry Blossom likes this post

September 16th 2022, 8:38 pmzxfan
Was the worst direct ever, and I did not realise the last direct was in febuary
September 17th 2022, 12:13 amKeAfan7
zxfan wrote:Was the worst direct ever, and I did not realise the last direct was in febuary

I liked most of what was shown, however the HUGE elephant in the room was the sheer number of farming RPG's shown in the Direct. I mean I will likely buy most of them since I enjoy the genre, but c'mon did we need to see like a half a dozen games in the genre announced during a single broadcast? News: Nintendo Direct Incoming Tomorrow! 1625187496

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September 17th 2022, 2:14 amRyanNerdyGamer
TowaHerschel7 wrote:however the HUGE elephant in the room was the sheer number of farming RPG's shown in the Direct
I didn’t know elephants were a thing in farming sims… the more you know, eh? (lol jk Razz)

Seriously, though, it is a bit weird that all these developers happened to announce similar titles at pretty much the same time, so maybe they’re more popular than most folks think…

Either way, with so many farm games, they could’ve included a remaster of the biggest farm game to ever grace the Wii… that’s right, I’m talking about My Pokémon Ranch! (lol jk… again Razz Razz)

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September 21st 2022, 11:06 amKeAfan7
@OrionJZed @KokorOtaku What were your highlights from the Direct? scratch

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September 21st 2022, 2:35 pmRyanNerdyGamer
Here’s a shortlist (in no particular order):

  • Mario Kart 8 Deluxe: Booster Course Pass - 🌊 3
  • Pokémon Violet
  • The Legend of Zelda: Kingdom Sad
  • Mario Party
  • Mario Party 2
  • Mario Party 3
  • Pokémon Stadium
  • Pokémon Stadium 2
  • PilotWings 64
  • 1080° Snowboarding
  • Octopath Traveler 2
  • AureusOculus Duplex-Nullus-Septem*

*“GoldenEye 007” in Google Translate Latin
September 21st 2022, 8:44 pmKokorOtaku
Tales of Symphonia
Theatrythm Final Bar Line
Kirby’s Return to Dream Land Deluxe
Fire Emblem Engage
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
Octopath II
And Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion

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