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The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread

Aqua Cherry Blossom
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April 20th 2020, 10:54 pm
Hi guys I hope you are all doing well? My state has a stay at home mandate and I lost my part-time job so I have been gaming much more than usual. Now that WiiWareWave is back online I'll try to be more active around here. Happy

Proud member of Final Fantasy Forum
Favorite FF Characters Kain, Lock, Terra, Cloud, Sephiroth, Tifa, Aeris, Squall, Ronoa, and Wakka.
Aqua Cherry Blossom
Aqua Cherry Blossom
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April 20th 2020, 10:58 pm
@Kain I'm alive lol, but the bloody virus has ravaged my town. The number of infected is ludicrous here compared to other regions of the UK. Sad

The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread 1210

The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread D9qgr310

Obsessive member of WiiWareWave :]
Wii FC 1724-3424-1981-0846

The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread Empty Re: The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread

April 22nd 2020, 11:38 am
I am alive as well, but I'm bored out of my mind. Crying or Very sad

The biggest Tales of fan in the land!

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The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread Empty Re: The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread

April 24th 2020, 2:38 am
I'm okay, but am sick of having to rely on alternatives to toilet paper which I ran out of last month. Mad

Memorable Yu-Yu-Hakusho Quotes #2

Yusuke Urameshi: [to the Captain] If you even think about stopping me, I'll bite off your head mustache and all!
SDF Captain: I knew you couldn't hide your true character, you've transformed into a demon menace!
Yusuke Urameshi: Look jerk, give me a break, it's called a running joke!

The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread Empty Re: The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread

April 28th 2020, 3:34 pm
I'm doing fine, but like everyone else I'm jobless right now.

The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread Xb_imp10
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The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread Empty Re: The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread

May 4th 2020, 8:31 pm
I’m alive and took a month off work pretty much so I can avoid this virus because I work in retail and I don’t trust people... I go back soon and idk if I want to. I live in Michigan and these freaking protesters are making me mad

I feel unaccomplished and need to give my heart out. Where’s my Kokoro no Tomo? Sad I love you
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The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread Empty Re: The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread

May 12th 2020, 11:28 am
@KokorOtaku Welcome back dude! The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread 631737971

The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread Rukiafan7

The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread 19654

The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread Rukiafan7

The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread 87457210

The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!
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The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread Empty Re: The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread

May 16th 2020, 8:42 am
Thanks I keep trying to come back here longer then a day but it’s not the same as years ago unfortunately.

I feel unaccomplished and need to give my heart out. Where’s my Kokoro no Tomo? Sad I love you
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The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread Empty Re: The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread

May 18th 2020, 7:26 pm
@KokorOtaku Welcome back. Smile

 photo -2aR7jeVlapQ8T2teqnjwjJaYQo_zpscf21dd89.gif

Fighting evil by moonlight.
Winning love by daylight.
Never running from a real fight.
she is the one named sailor moon!

From the Sailor Moon opening song.
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August 29th 2021, 3:24 pm
The Delta variant is downright frightening. Grimace

"If you want to understand, words are never a problem."
Rena Lanford, Star Ocean: The Second Story

The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread Star_o10
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The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread Empty Re: The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread

July 2nd 2022, 5:47 pm
@Staroceancrazy @Amufungal @KokorOtaku @Towafan7 I've lost no fewer than 7 people who were close to me. The anti-Covid idiots who try to tell me that my loved ones and friends didn't die from the virus and that it is some conspiracy can gft. Seriously they are entitled to their own opinion, but have ZERO right to belittle what happened to those I care about. Middle Finger

The Corona Virus Panic And Discussion Thread Zb_ban10
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