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Switching to a new kind of play!

Ever wonder what is in that darn Nintendo Switch box but haven't gotten your hands on one yet? No problem! Me and my girlfriend made this Switch unboxing video for you all to see!

Did you get your switch? If so are you enjoying it? Leave a comment below!
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March 13th 2017, 8:59 pmKeAfan7
@Gamergy Thanks for posting this! I got the Wii U version of Breath of The Wild which I'm currently reviewing, but I'm quite torn. Yes it's a good to great game in my opinion, but it feels more like a Skyrim wannabe rather than a true Zelda game which is disappointing since there aren't many substitutes for Zelda games, but open world RPG's are a dime-a-dozen...Neutral
March 13th 2017, 9:10 pmGekkouga-Senpai
Awesome video @Gamergy!
March 14th 2017, 2:35 amAmufungal
Nice unboxing video! Smile
March 20th 2017, 11:23 amShounenMania
Great video dude! Are you currently working on any reviews? News: Nintendo Switch Unboxing video! 631737971
March 21st 2017, 10:33 amGamergy
@DBZmania No reviews are in progress currently, I've been busy creating my own video games and with college. I posted some of my game's content in the forums if you would kindly take a look :afro:
March 26th 2017, 12:00 pmFuManchu
@Gamergy Welcome back! Your video is good by the way.
April 18th 2017, 11:35 amMegatron2000
This video needs more giant killer robots! Megatron Happy
April 18th 2017, 1:33 pmRyanNerdyGamer
Nice video, @Gamergy and @UnrealGamerGirl! News: Nintendo Switch Unboxing video! 631737971
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