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Where can I find the site rules? Empty Where can I find the site rules?

July 14th 2011, 12:29 pm
I don't want to break any rules,so I always read them but I can't find your site rules Neutral
If you don't have any you should make some before too many people join or there could be problems Neutral

Where can I find the site rules? Empty Re: Where can I find the site rules?

July 14th 2011, 12:40 pm
I don't think Rukiafan made a rules page. There are mods to keep an eye on things and modify/move/merge/delete posts if needed. Just post to other people with respect (even if they have different opinions), no swearing, flaming and personal attacks. Don't talk about illegal stuff like downloading or modding and you'll be fine.

O, and don't BASH anyone Wink.

Happy posting.
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