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The "I Just Got That!" Facepalm-Worthy Moments Discussion Empty The "I Just Got That!" Facepalm-Worthy Moments Discussion

February 6th 2016, 7:05 pm
I was thinking about nothing in particular just now, and my brain suddenly worked out something which I haven't realised in 15 years: the Tuni Nut, an item located in The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages's Symmetry Village, has a punny name. It's a combination of "two" and "ni" (the Japanese word for two), which is a reference to the fact that it brings perfect symmetry and balance to Symmetry Village, as well as its later incarnation of Symmetry City. I can't believe I only just got that after all this time! The "I Just Got That!" Facepalm-Worthy Moments Discussion 1625187496

What are your "I just got that! The "I Just Got That!" Facepalm-Worthy Moments Discussion 1625187496" moments in the world of Nintendo?

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