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A New Nintendo Direct Broadcast Has Been Announced! Nintendo_Direct_Logo

A new Nintendo Direct is to be broadcast on the 13th February, with its main focus to be Wii U and Nintendo 3DS games released before the end of spring (autumn in the Southern Hemisphere). Be sure to tune in on the 13th February at 2PM PT and 5PM ET in North America and 10PM in the UK; and on the 14th February at 7AM in Japan and 9AM AEDST in Australia. What are you hoping to see? Shout out your wish lists in the comments section.

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February 13th 2014, 8:22 amKokorOtaku
I'm going to be at work and won't get home till 4 hours after its done... It's going to be a long wait :/
February 13th 2014, 1:48 pmRyanNerdyGamer
I might watch it during the scheduled broadcast. Smile
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