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A Turkey or A Gutter Ball?

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We had a chance to play Wii Sports Club: Bowling today and at first glance it seems much the same as the Wii Sports Resort: Bowling, which isn't a bad thing since Bowling in Wii Sports Resort was amazing however there are a few changes in the gameplay formula to talk about before we even discuss the addition of the online mode! First of all the motion plus controls have been optimized so you will rarely "if ever" have to recalibrate your controller mid-game "we played 6 games and didn't have to recalibrate even once"! The second change is the detailed stats that the game keeps on every profile which shows far more information than the stats in Wii Sports Resort did which is a very nice addition to the game!

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The game also features various clubs that you can join to compete against other clubs for the chance to make your club become the top club in your region! This is done by tracking every club members stats and compiling them. You can also play online with randoms or even friends in this title, which is an awesome new feature, however the servers seem slightly unstable at the moment "possibly due to a high volume of players". The only downside is that there is no worldwide multiplayer, not even against friends from other regions which is a shame really because that would have made the game even better, but regardless it's a very solid title!

We definitely recommend this game to those who enjoy the sport or liked Wii Sports Resort: Bowling, be sure to checkout @Clαππαd's review of Wii Sports Club: Bowling when it goes live this weekend!

First Impressions: Wii Sports Club: Bowling Rukiafan7

First Impressions: Wii Sports Club: Bowling 19654

First Impressions: Wii Sports Club: Bowling Rukiafan7

First Impressions: Wii Sports Club: Bowling 87457210

First Impressions: Wii Sports Club: Bowling Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!
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November 7th 2013, 1:31 pmNINTENBRO
How much does it cost to play these games?
November 7th 2013, 1:34 pmKeAfan7
$9.99 per sport which is pretty steep imo. Neutral
November 7th 2013, 1:41 pmNINTENBRO
^ That's most likely due to server maintenance. Is that a one time fee, or is that a membership fee?
November 7th 2013, 1:44 pmKeAfan7
A one time fee. Wink
November 7th 2013, 1:47 pmDigiDestined
You can also buy an all sports 1 day pass for $2.99. =)
November 7th 2013, 2:01 pmShanaNoShakugan
This game so fun I agree! Smile
November 8th 2013, 10:12 pmKeAfan7
I'm still not sure if I'll take the plunge and purchase unlimited bowling...I mean $9.99 is expensive since I already have the Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort versions of the game. Neutral
November 9th 2013, 11:56 amGuest
I feel the same way about downloading this game. Sad
If only it weren't so expensive.
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