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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

January 31st 2013, 5:48 pm
Season 1 can be found right here!

Webisodes can be found right here!

It's time for a sneak-peek at a pseudo-TV series I've been working on for a while. This is the first roughly ten minutes of Crystals of Ornoposia's series premiere, which introduces two of the main characters and sets the stage for what's to come in future episodes. If people like it enough then I'll post episodes on a regular basis. Anyway, here's your starter. The main course comes later! Wink


Scene 1: Zed’s House: Early Morning

The sun rises over a secluded township in the middle of a vast green plain, the citizens slowly awakening one-by-one and preparing for their day. Shops filled with all sorts of wares open their doors; bakers begin baking bread, cakes and other tasty treats; the owners of The Naked Drake tavern prepare the daily breakfast specials. In a small house on the outskirts of town, a young man is in a restless slumber, tossing and turning. His eyes suddenly fly open and he sits up in his bed.

Young man (thoughts): Whoa, those dreams are getting even more intense than usual.

The young man swings his legs around to the side of his bed, placing his feet gently on the floor. He stands up and walks over to his wardrobe, pulling out a white long-sleeved shirt and brown pants. He pulls the shirt over his head, pushing his arms through both sleeves. He then sits back on his bed, pushing his legs through the pants, then he stands up and pulls them over his waist, zipping up the zipper and securing the button. He then sits down once again and pulls a pair of clean socks from his drawer, separating them and pulling them over his feet. Finally, he grabs a pair of tall brown boots, checking them for bugs before pulling them onto his feet. He stands up and walks into his washroom. He gazes into his mirror, opening his mouth and biting onto his hand. The man’s hand glows with a bright blue light, illuminating his entire mouth for a moment before dissipating. He turns on a tap and rinses a cup, then fills it with water. He takes a mouthful and sloshes it around, spitting it into the sink. He then empties the cup and turns off the tap.

Young man: “There! A clean mouth for a fresh new day.”

The man thinks to himself, then realises something.

Young man: “Oh, my hair!”

The man holds his hand over his forehead. His hand glows. As he moves it upward, his messy, bright red hair spikes vertically. He moves his hand away, and it stops glowing.

Young man: “Right. Breakfast.”

The young man heads downstairs, grabs a banana from his fruit bowl and eats it. He discards the peel in the compost box, then washes his hands and dries them. He picks up a pair of brown gauntlets and puts them on, then he makes his way to the door and grabs his brown sleeveless jacket. He puts it on and does up the buttons. He then opens the door and steps through it, closing it behind him. Finally, he locks the door with his key. As he turns around a bouncy ball lands next to his foot. He looks at the ball, then at the two boys running towards him.

Boy #1: “Good morning, Mr. Zed!”

Zed: “Good morning! How are you?”

Boy #1: “Very good!”

Boy #2: “It’s my birthday today!”

Zed: “Ah, and this must be your present.”

Boy #2: “Yes it is!”

Boy #1: “Will you kick it over please, sir?”

Zed: “Sure.”

Zed kicks the ball to the boys. The second one grabs it.

Boy #2: “Thanks, Mr. Zed!”

Zed: “No problem.”

Boy #1: “Are you going to work then?”

Zed: “Yep.”

Boy #1: “Okay then.”

Zed: “Enjoy your birthday!”

Boy #2: “I will, Mr. Zed!”

The boys run off with the ball. Zed smiles and shakes his head slightly, then makes his way into town.

Scene 2: Town Square: Morning

Zed makes his way through the town square. Already, people are milling about, ready to do some early morning shopping. Zed walks up to a crowd of people who are gathered around a travelling entertainer. He breathes a jet of flame through his mouth and the crowd claps. Some people deposit copper and silver pieces into a hat, which is on the ground next to the man. Zed deposits two gold pieces into the man’s hat. The man faces Zed and does a gentlemanly bow. He then picks up three balls and begins to juggle. The crowd claps and cheers as Zed makes his way to Taylor’s Treasures. A bell jingles as Zed opens the door and walks inside, closing the door behind him. The shop’s shelves are lined with various trinkets and wondrous items. A middle-aged woman with glasses heads downstairs into the small shop.

Zed: Good morning, Mrs. Taylor.

Mrs. Taylor: Ah, good morning, young Zed. Here bright an’ early for work, are you?

Zed: I sure am.

Mrs. Taylor: That’s grand. How was your night, lad?

Zed: I had another weird dream. I kinda figure it might have something to do with my past.

Mrs. Taylor: Well, they say that dreams are the gateway to another world. Maybe your past has fled to it.

Zed laughs.

Zed: You never know, I guess.

Zed looks around the shop.

Zed: So, what am I doing today?

Mrs. Taylor: Inventory. I’m just waitin’ for the delivery man to arrive. He’s late again!

The bell jingles as the door opens. The delivery man walks in.

Deliveryman: Mornin’, Mrs. Taylor!

Mrs. Taylor: Mornin’, Mr. Deliveryman. What have you got for us today?

Deliveryman: Three big boxes o’ wondrous items for ya.

Mrs. Taylor: Oh, grand. Just leave ‘em next to the counter.

Deliveryman: Will do, Mrs. Taylor.

The deliveryman unloads the boxes next to the counter. He heads backward towards the door, opening it. The bell jingles as he retreats backwards through it.

Deliveryman: Have a good day, you two!

Mrs. Taylor: Will do.

Zed: You too.

The door closes. Zed picks up the smallest box, places it onto the counter and opens it with a small knife.

Zed: Are these bags of holding?!

Mrs. Taylor: Aye, they are, lad. They can hold many times more items than meets the eye. Perfect for the travelling adventurer.

Zed: Awesome!

Mrs. Taylor: Right, I’d like you to put ‘em on display in the shop window. Try to make ‘em look enticing for anybody who might want to buy one.

Zed: We haven’t seen any adventurers in here for months. Do you think we’ll be able to sell them?

Mrs. Taylor: Oh, I hope so. Adventurers may not often come here, but when they do, we need to be prepared.

Zed nods.

Zed’s thoughts: I wonder what it’d be like to be an adventurer…

Scene 3: Outside Zed’s House: Early Afternoon

A young elven woman with long brown hair, purple eyes and a purple robe enters town. She is carrying a silver staff, its only feature being a purple orb at one end, which is partly-engulfed by a finely-sculpted dragon. She makes her way over to the two boys, still playing with their ball.

Young woman: Good morning, boys.

The boys look at the young woman, and an expression of surprise spreads across their faces.

Boy #1: Flip! It’s an elf!

Boy #2: I heard that the long ears of the elves can hear the voices of the faeries!

Boy #1: Wow, is that true miss?!

The young woman giggles.

Young woman: Well, I hear that children can hear the faeries’ voices…if they listen hard enough.

Boy #2: Wow! That’s incredible!

Young woman: I was wondering if you would be kind enough to assist me.

Boy #1: Of course! We’ll help however we can!

Young woman: I’m looking for the young man who lives in that house.

The young woman points the orb end of her staff at Zed’s house.

Boy #1: Oh, you mean Mr. Zed! He’s at work right now.

Boy #2: I think he works in a shop called Taylor’s Trinkets.

Young woman: Many thanks. You have been most helpful.

The young woman bows gracefully, then makes her way into town. The boys turn to each other with excitement.

Boy #2: Children can hear the voices of faeries!

Boy #1: I’m going to listen to a faerie first!

Boy #2: No, it’s my birthday, so I’m going to hear one first!

Scene 4: Town Square: Early Afternoon

The young woman makes her way to the entertainer, a crowd of people still gathered around him. He performs a small dance, then stops and raises his arms into the air. As he does so, two jets of confetti seem to burst through the ground next to him straight into the air. The young woman is amused by the entertainer’s illusion and deposits five gold pieces into his hat. The man looks into his hat, a big smile on his face, before he sings and dances excitedly. The crowd laughs as the young woman makes her way to the shop. She stops and checks the sign.

Young woman: Taylor’s Treasures…I am sure this must be the shop to which those boys were referring.

The young woman enters the shop, the little bell jingling as she opens and closes the door. Mrs. Taylor greets her with a smile.

Mrs. Taylor: Welcome to my humble shop, lass. If there’s anything you need, don’t be afraid to ask.

Young woman: Actually, I was wondering if you could assist me with locating an employee of yours. Somebody named “Mr. Zed”, I believe.

Mrs. Taylor: Ah, Zed. One of my most dedicated staff members. I’m sorry, lass, but he’s out having lunch right now.

Young woman: Ah, I see. When he returns, would you please be so kind as to ask him to meet me in The Naked Drake?

Mrs. Taylor: The tavern? Oh, he never sets foot in there, lass. Don’t ask me why. I suppose I could pass on the message though.

Young woman: Many thanks to you, ma’am. My name is Amethyst, by the way.

Mrs. Taylor: A pleasure. I’ll pass on your message, don’t you worry.

Amethyst: Again, many thanks to you.

Amethyst bows gracefully to Mrs. Taylor, then leaves the shop, the bell jingling as she exits. Mrs. Taylor laughs.

Mrs. Taylor: The Naked Drake…I wonder how they came up with that name.

Mrs. Taylor begins to sweep the floor with a broom.

Scene 5: Taylor’s Treasures: Early Afternoon

Zed enters the shop, the little bell jingling as he opens and closes the door.

Zed: I’m back, Mrs. Taylor.

Mrs. Taylor: Ah, Zed. There was a young lass in ‘ere earlier asking for you.

Zed: M-me?

Mrs. Taylor: Aye, lad. She seemed very eager to meet you.

Zed: Well that’s odd. Do you know who it was?

Mrs. Taylor: I’m not sure. All she said was to look for Amethyst at The Naked Drake.

Zed: The tavern? I don’t go in there.

Mrs. Taylor: I know, lad. She seemed sure you’d go, though.

Zed: Well, I guess I could take a look in there.

Mrs. Taylor: You do what you feel is right, lad.

Zed: Okay, I’ll go there first thing after work.

Mrs. Taylor: Well then, I think that’ll do for your shift today.

Zed: What? But I still have work to do!

Mrs. Taylor: Come now, lad. You do a lot for me. Take the afternoon off. You won’t lose pay for it.

Zed: I’m not concerned about the money. I am curious to know what that girl wants with me, though.

Mrs. Taylor: Very well. I’ll see you next week, then.

Zed: Okay. Have a good day.

Mrs. Taylor: To you as well, lad.

Zed exits the shop, the little bell jingling as he does so.

Scene 6: The Naked Drake: Afternoon

Zed walks inside the tavern. It is practically deserted, save for a couple of individuals at different tables.

Zed’s thoughts: Huh. This place isn’t so bad.

Zed walks up to the bartender behind the counter.

Bartender: Welcome to The Naked Drake. I am Orrin, co-owner of this tavern. Is there anything I can get you, sir?

Zed: Uh, no thanks. I’m looking for someone named Amethyst.

Orrin: Ah, you must be Zed. Amethyst is at the table just there.

Orrin points to the table nearest the counter. Amethyst is seated, her staff laid out across the tabletop.

Zed: Thanks. Have a good day.

Orrin: If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Zed: No problem.

Zed walks over to Amethyst. Amethyst looks up at Zed, then stands up.

Amethyst: You must be Zed.

Zed: How did you guess?

Amethyst: You’re the first person to walk up to me today, so naturally I assumed that you are the one for whom I am searching.

Zed: It’s nice to meet you.

Amethyst: To you as well. My name is Amethyst Moondew, elven wizard. You…are much taller than I thought you would be. Taller than most humans I have met.

Zed: A neighbour of mine calls me “the gentle half-giant”.

Amethyst giggles.

Amethyst: I knew I would like you. Come, we must practice.

Amethyst picks up her staff and starts to head towards the door.

Zed: Practice what?

Amethyst stops and turns to face Zed, a smile on her face.

Amethyst: Your magic, of course!

Amethyst turns back and once again heads for the door.

Zed: How did you know I could use magic?

Zed starts to follow Amethyst.

Scene 7: Meadow: Afternoon

Zed and Amethyst walk to the top of a hill covered in short, green grass.

Amethyst: Okay, here we are.

Zed: This is the meadow near my house.

Amethyst: It is the perfect place to test your abilities.

Zed: I should let you know, I’m not the best at using magic.

Amethyst: Everybody is inexperienced at first. With time, your abilities will develop.

Amethyst holds up her staff. A glowing purple orb appears in mid-air ten feet in front of Zed.

Amethyst: Would you please demonstrate your use of Magic Missile?

Zed: Uh, okay. I’m a bit rusty, but here goes.

Zed raises his right hand, aiming it at the orb.

Zed: “Magic Missile!”

A small bright-blue marble flies from Zed’s hand, striking the orb right in the centre. Both the marble and orb disappear in a flash of light.

Amethyst: A perfect hit! Well done!

Zed: I don’t know how I did that!

Amethyst: Okay, now for something trickier.

Amethyst holds up her staff again. Another purple orb appears ten feet in front of Zed, except this one moves slowly back and forth from left to right.

Zed: Okay, here I go.

Zed holds up his right hand, aiming it in front of him. Zed focuses on the path of the orb.

Zed: “Magic Missile!”

Another blue marble flies from Zed’s outstretched hand, striking the orb in the middle and causing them both to disappear in a flash of light.

Amethyst: Impressive! Another perfect hit!

Zed: I’m not even very familiar with Magic Missile!

Amethyst: Shall we try one last test?

Zed: Well…okay then.

Amethyst: Very well.

Amethyst holds up her staff again. A third orb appears ten feet in front of Zed, moving slowly clockwise in a perfect circle. Zed stretches out his hand, focusing on the orb’s path.

Zed: “Magic Missile!”

A blue marble flies from Zed’s hand, striking the top-left of the orb. The orb falls to the ground, disappearing in a flash of light as it makes contact.

Amethyst: Not as perfect, but still a hit. I’m impressed.

Zed: Thank you.

Amethyst: I have a gift for you.

Zed: A gift? For me?

Amethyst reaches into her satchel, pulling out a wooden box with a silver clasp. She undoes the clasp, swinging the box open so that Zed can gaze upon the contents. Inside the box are seven alcoves, with one of the alcoves containing a triangular, cyan-coloured crystal.

Amethyst: This box contains the seventh in a set of crystals. My allies and I have each of our lives entwined with one of the crystals. It is my assumption that you are to be the owner of this one, the Azure Crystal.

Zed: Me? Are you sure?

Amethyst: There is only one way for me to truly be sure.

Zed: I don’t know…I don’t really see myself as being very special.

Amethyst smiles.

Amethyst: The crystal will tell you if you’re special.

Zed: Really?

Amethyst: The crystals select their owners. They see the truth of their owners’ potential. Clutch it. We will know if it is meant to be.

Zed steps forward. He reaches out his hand and picks up the crystal. As he opens his hand, the crystal’s centre glows with a bright light.

Zed: Whoa…that is awesome!

Amethyst: It seems as though your potential is greater than you realised.

Zed watches as the crystal’s light fades slightly, still glowing dimly in its centre.

Amethyst: This crystal is meant for you, Zed. When you wear it, you will form an eternal bond with it.

Zed: Like this?

Zed places the crystal around his neck. The light within its centre shines bright enough to illuminate the immediate area, before returning to a low level of constant light within the centre.

Amethyst: It would make me so happy for you to become my apprentice. Together with my allies and I, you may see the wonders of this land, and beyond. I could train you to master your talent.

Zed: I…I don’t know what to say.

Amethyst: Would you like to become an adventurer?

Zed thinks to himself briefly.

Zed’s thoughts: Maybe by adventuring, I can figure out who I truly am.

Zed: Okay, I’ll do it!


Commercial: Are you an adventurer who’s just come to town? Then stop by Taylor’s Treasures! We have everything for the budding traveller from adventuring gear to wondrous items and everything in between. We have the cheapest bags of holding in the region - never lose your most valuable items again…for less! Taylor’s Treasures, just around the corner from The Naked Drake!


Well, that's your sample! What do you think? Be sure to shout out your comments below! Smile

Last edited by GamerZack7 on July 17th 2014, 3:54 pm; edited 7 times in total

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

February 1st 2013, 12:18 am
That was an incredible preview GamerZack! Surprised

Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Rukiafan7

Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 19654

Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 87457210

Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!

Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

February 4th 2013, 11:45 pm
Incredibly well written story here, Zack! Well done!!

Now you'll need to change that avatar Wink ...
He stands up and walks over to his wardrobe, pulling out a white long-sleeved shirt and brown pants.


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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

February 5th 2013, 7:15 pm
It is an amazing story GamerZack! Very Happy

"If you want to understand, words are never a problem."
Rena Lanford, Star Ocean: The Second Story

Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Star_o10
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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

February 5th 2013, 10:27 pm
Thank you, everybody! I'll post more episodes, including the full-length pilot, once I complete enough of them. Very Happy

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

February 28th 2013, 2:13 am
Okay, it's time for some more info on Crystals of Ornoposia! The concept for the story is an ongoing series written in the style of a TV show, a bit like Mushroom Force except pre-written by yours truly. The story revolves around a mysterious artefact discovered in the heart of Ornoposia, a continent resembling a pseudo-medieval England and Western Europe. The artefact itself is in seven pieces, each one a coloured crystal with a unique shape, and each one belongs to one of the protagonists.

The primary protagonist is Zed, a young human with no memory of his place of origin or anybody who lives there. He knows almost everything else about himself, which means he doesn't strictly have amnesia. He discovered a spellbook in a shop called The Budding Alchemist, and, after reading the word "Prestidigitation" on the cover (and subsequently turning his hair temporarily blue), discovered that he is a natural mage, one who casts magic with little need of study. His talents eventually reached the pointy ears of a certain elf...

Amethyst Moondew, a 150-year-old elven mage, is Zed's instructor in the arcane arts. She is sweet and kind, and giggles whenever something amuses her. Unlike other wood elves, who have eyes of green, brown or other colours of the forest, she has purple eyes, which are an eye colour only seen amongst the high elves. Once she got wind of Zed's natural affinity for magic, Amethyst dragged her party across the continent in search of him, which left the other party leader feeling a bit unsure about her reasoning...

More info coming soon...stay tuned! Wink

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/OrionJZed
YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCG3iWvffWOZoci2vjsHPjQQ

Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

February 28th 2013, 9:48 am
Surprised Awww.... how long do I need to wait for the next part? It's getting really good now Smile ...
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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

February 28th 2013, 12:03 pm
I can't wait. Wink

Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Rukiafan7

Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 19654

Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 87457210

Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!
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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

February 28th 2013, 2:53 pm
Makkmak Clay is the other leader of the party, although he prefers to go by the name Mak. He is an orcborn, a person of both human and orc descent, and as such resembles a mixture of both races. Most of his form is like that of a human, though he has some orcish traits as well including larger, thicker eyebrows, greyish-olive skin and a slight underbite with protruding canines. His personal grooming leaves something to be desired, with stubble always covering his face and his short hair greasy from lack of hair washing. Mak is remarkably intelligent for an orcborn, able to solve problems with strategy and actual thought rather than with sheer force. He doesn't trust most strangers when meeting them for the first time, but once somebody shows him their true personality he becomes a trustworthy and dependable ally. If his friends ever fall into danger, Mak's stereotypical orcborn ferocity emerges to protect them, even at the risk of him being injured himself.
Samantha wrote:Surprised Awww.... how long do I need to wait for the next part? It's getting really good now Smile ...
I'll try and finish it today. Wink

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

March 1st 2013, 5:11 pm
Er... Today was yesterday in my timezone Rolling Eyes lol!
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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

March 1st 2013, 8:43 pm
Okay, it's time for the second part of the series premiere of Crystals of Ornoposia. I've decided to break the first episode into four chunks and spoil them one at a time, just to see how popular it becomes. Call it a test run, if you like. Okay, here we go!


Scene 8: Zed’s House: Late Night

Zed lies in his bed, his covers pulled up to his chest. His arms lie across his pillow. An orb of light is suspended above him, illuminating the room.

Zed’s thoughts: I can hardly believe it. Soon I’ll be leaving to go on an adventure. I have no idea what I’ll be able to do, but I’m sure it’ll be worth it.

Zed reaches across to his bedside table, picking up the crystal.

Zed’s thoughts: Amethyst said I have a permanent link with this thing, but I’m still not sure what it’s for. Maybe it’s meant to give me some sort of powers, or increase my arcane abilities.

Zed places the crystal back onto his bedside table.

Zed’s thoughts: I’ll ask Amethyst in the morning.

The orb of light dispels. Zed pulls his arms under his covers and turns onto his right side. He soon drifts into a shallow sleep.

Zed walks through a mysterious forest.

Zed: Hello?! Is anybody here?!

Almost immediately, the temperature drops. Zed’s breaths become visible as frost encrusts all of the trees.

Zed: This is bad! It’s not even close to winter!

Dwarf: It’s the Winter Festival, lad! Time for us to get drunk!

Zed: Who are you?

Dwarf: Why, it’s me, D. Warf! The lovable rogue!

Zed: Uh…okay.

Dwarf: Say, that’s a pretty necklace. A pretty necklace for a pretty lass!

Zed: Uh, this is a special artefact. And I’m a guy, not a girl!

Dwarf: Of course you are, little boy!

Zed: What did you call me?!

A wall of water whirls around Zed, freezing solid. The walls stretch out, leaving Zed in a dark, icy room.

Zed: What’s going on?! This isn’t funny!

An evil cackle fills the room, echoing off the walls. Zed suddenly raises his hand in the air.

Zed: “LIGHT!”

Bright light quickly fills the room.

Zed suddenly awakens and sits up, breathing heavily.

Zed: That dream again…

Scene 9: Zed’s House: Early Morning

Zed sits in a chair, studying one of his books. A knock sounds on his door. He shifts the book, stands up and walks over to the door, opening it. Amethyst is standing there.

Zed: Oh…uh…good morning.

Amethyst: Good morning. Are you rested and ready for today?

Zed: I did my best, I guess.

Amethyst: That is good to hear. Come. We must make preparations for our journey.

Zed: Okay, I just need to get some things first.

Amethyst: Please take your time.

Zed: Okay, be right back!

Zed closes his door. A few moments later he opens it, stepping through and closing it behind him. He locks the door with his key.

Zed: Okay, I’m ready.

Amethyst: Excellent. Let us head into town to purchase supplies.

Zed: No problem.

Scene 10: Town Square: Morning

Zed and Amethyst walk up to a shop door. The sign above it reads “Silver Buckle Clothing”.

Amethyst: First, we must purchase a new outfit for you to wear.

Zed: I don’t know, this place looks expensive.

Amethyst: Never fear, Zed. A good quality outfit is just what you need.

Zed: True…

Zed and Amethyst enter the shop. A well-dressed gentleman greets them from behind the counter.

Gentleman: Welcome to Silver Buckle Clothing! I am Eduardo, your guide to the world of chic fashion. How may I help you today?

Amethyst: My apprentice is in need of a new outfit.

Eduardo examines Zed’s outfit.

Eduardo: Oh yes…I see what you mean. Hm…now, what sort of apprentice is he? Knight’s apprentice, mage’s apprentice…?

Amethyst: A mage’s apprentice.

Eduardo: Of course! I might have guessed from your lovely violet tunic! It simply screams “modern elven mage”! And it matches your eyes perfectly! Ooh, and I just love the sash!

Eduardo examines Zed’s outfit some more.

Eduardo: Hm…we need to update your look. The whole “brown-on-white” thing is too archaic. Today’s young mage needs to wear something more modern and vibrant. Hm…okay, I see you wearing something…azure.

Zed: Azure’s my favourite colour.

Eduardo: Ah! I knew it! Eduardo, you are a genius!

Eduardo looks around. He plucks a pale blue shirt from a clothes rack, giving it to Zed.

Eduardo: This would make the perfect base for your outfit.

Eduardo then plucks a pair of blue pants from another clothes rack.

Eduardo: And this will add a pleasant contrast to it. Now, into the change room you go!

Eduardo motions Zed into the change room. Zed turns around.

Zed: I don’t know about this…it seems expensive.

Eduardo: Don’t worry about price! A good outfit is an expensive outfit!

Eduardo closes the curtain on the change room.

Zed: Ooh, comfy! And it fits really well!

Eduardo: You doubt my talents for choosing an outfit?

Zed: No no no, this is great!

Zed opens the curtain. Eduardo nods with his bottom lip protruding.

Eduardo: A great improvement. I think we’ll stick with your previous look, but with modern designs and more blue. Wait here while I get your leathers.

Eduardo walks into another room.

Zed: Leathers? Aren’t they…bulky?

Amethyst: Leather armour is bulky. Leather clothing is lightweight and flexible.

Zed: Ah, good. I read that mages need mobility when casting spells.

Amethyst: My curiosity has piqued. How talented are you with casting spells?

Zed: Well, I’ve always been good at cantrips, and I can do some evocations pretty well. I’ve also learned to do a bit of other magic as well.

Eduardo returns carrying some boxes.

Eduardo: I checked your old boots for size and picked out the perfect pair for you. Try these on.

Eduardo hands a box to Zed. Zed sits down, opens the box and puts on the boots, which are made of dark blue leather. Zed stands up and takes a few steps.

Zed: These are so comfy.

Eduardo: And here are the matching gauntlets.

Eduardo hands another box to Zed. Zed opens the box, removing a pair of gauntlets made of thin, dark blue leather. He pulls them on and flexes his fingers and wrist.

Zed: These are better than my old gauntlets. They mould right to my hand!

Eduardo: I also have a belt…

Eduardo hands a black belt with a silver buckle to Zed.

Eduardo: …and a vest.

Eduardo hands an azure leather sleeveless jacket to Zed. Zed equips himself with the belt, attaching it to the buckle, then he puts on the jacket and does up the buttons.

Zed: This is awesome!

Amethyst: I think we have found a perfect outfit for you, Zed.

Eduardo: No.

Amethyst: No?

Eduardo: No. It is not yet perfect. It needs a certain…oomph that says “modern mage’s apprentice”.

Zed: Like a robe or cloak?

Eduardo: I think something more your age category would be better…oh! Wait here!

Eduardo walks away, plucking a folded piece of clothing from a shelf. He walk back and hands it to Zed. Zed unfurls it and puts it on.

Zed: A cape?!

Eduardo: Oh, yes. All the young mages in Silveria wear capes. It’s fast becoming the latest fashion trend.

Zed: Well, I guess this outfit is good. But…how much will it cost?

Eduardo: For you, I’ll give you a special deal. Just 7 gold pieces!

Zed: Well…I guess it is for my new role as an adventurer…

Zed reaches for his coin sack.

Amethyst: Wait, Zed! I will pay for your outfit.

Zed: Are you sure?

Amethyst: Of course. A mage’s duty is to pay for her apprentice’s starting equipment.

Amethyst hands 7 gold pieces to Eduardo.

Eduardo: Thank you very much! I trust you are happy with your new look?

Zed: I sure am. Thank you!

Scene 11: Street: Morning

Zed and Amethyst walk down a street.

Zed: Thank you for buying my new clothes.

Amethyst: It is my pleasure, Zed. Now, we need to buy you the most important piece of equipment for any mage.

Zed: An implement?

Amethyst: Indeed.

Zed: I know just the place!

Zed leads Amethyst to another door. The sign above the door reads “The Budding Alchemist”. Zed opens the door, motioning Amethyst to enter. Amethyst nods once and enters the building, followed by Zed. An elderly gentleman with a long white beard greets them.

Gentleman: Well, if it isn’t young Zed. Why, I haven’t seen you in here since the Astral Festival.

Zed: Sorry, Mr. Newt. I’ve been busy for the past couple of weeks.

Newt: How are your dreams?

Zed: Getting even weirder. I had the ice forest one again last night.

Newt: You’ve had that one more often in recent days, haven’t you?

Zed: Yep. It seemed even more real last night.

Newt: Well, I’m sure you will learn the secret behind it eventually.

Mr. Newt notices Amethyst.

Newt: And you must be Amethyst.

Amethyst: I am. Please excuse my bluntness, but how did you know my name?

Newt: Why, the lovely Mrs. Taylor told me last night over a cup of tea.

Zed: News sure travels fast in this town.

Newt: Thank you so much for taking the time to instruct Zed in the art of magic. I would myself, but I’m too old. I’ll leave it up to the younger generation.

Zed: Remember when I first came in here?

Newt: Like it was yesterday. You picked up a book of cantrips out of curiosity.

Zed: I was interested in magic but thought I was too old to learn it.

Newt: Then you started to read the cover, and turned your hair blue!

Zed: It caught your attention, but I had no idea what was going on cause I couldn’t see the top of my own head!

Mr. Newt chuckles.

Newt: Oh, I laughed for two minutes. I finally managed to tell you that you are a naturally-gifted mage, but you were too busy panicking about your hair.

Zed: Good times…oh, that’s right! Mr. Newt, I was wondering if you could help me choose my implement.

Newt: Of course, lad. Do you know what kind of implement suits you best?

Zed: Hm…I’ve never given it much thought.

Newt: Might I suggest a wand? It’s portable and lightweight, and easy to equip in a pinch.

Zed: Sounds good.

Newt: The wands are right over here.

Mr. Newt leads Zed to a display containing a selection of wands.

Zed: How will I know which one is the right one for me?

Newt: You will know as soon as your eyes meet with it.

Zed looks around. He spots a silver wand adorned with a carving of a dragon at its far end. He walks over to it and picks it up. Almost immediately, a bright blue glow surrounds him. He reaches into his shirt and pulls out the crystal, which is also glowing with a bright blue light.

Newt: No…it cannot be!

The light dissipates. Mr. Newt walks over to Zed.

Newt: Zed! You did not tell me you had an artefact of the Silverian Empire!

Zed: The Silverian Empire?

Zed looks over at Amethyst.

Amethyst: I have not heard of such an empire.

Newt: Then there is much you both must learn. Come. We will discuss it further in my house.

The three people step out of the shop. A mysterious figure lurks in the shadows.

Figure: So it is true. I must tell my mistress at once.

The figure turns and steps back into the shadows.


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Hot meals! Fine beverages! The best music!
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*-Closed during the Astral Festival. We apologise for the inconvenience.


I'll work on the third part as soon as I can. Once the whole episode is finished and previewed, I'll then work on the series itself. I should then be able to upload some on a regular basis. The first season should be about twelve episodes in length, with later seasons each having a similar number. Well, I hope you liked this sample. As always, shout out your comments below! Smile

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

March 2nd 2013, 2:17 am
Whoa!!! Surprised That scene 8 was just like in a SciFi movie. Incredible!... That was great! "Winter Festival"? I think I'd love that! Wink

I think I'm gonna re-read all the episodes again. This is fun! It's not hard to imagine once you're in the story and feel the full power of it.

Although it's like a movie script and some scenes just don't link up that well when writing it into a book format (scenes 8 and 9), it just places the reader into the right mindset with every one of them, every time. Very well done!

Scene 10:
This quote: "Amethyst: Never fear, Zed.", reminded me of a 1967 SciFi series called "Lost in Space". In those series, there was a character called Dr. Zachary Smith. One of his trademark lines was "Never fear, Smith is here". And then again, everytime I read such a scene, it seems to take me back in time, like a pirate's adventure scene. Maybe it's because of the detailed conversations, maybe it's just me imagining an old 18th century village.

Scene 11:
And then I just snap out of that dream because of the word "Astral" again. Zed closes the door (and the tailor scene) and I'm in a kinda different world again. The only thing holding me back from totally going back into SciFi again is the presence of Amethyst...

I wonder what the next episodes will hold... Smile

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March 2nd 2013, 2:42 am
Well, I can give you a clue without ruining too much: Mr. Newt explains to Amethyst and Zed about the Silverian Crystals. You'll have to wait for the finer details. Wink

And now, just for fun, a list of spells that Zed uses in the first episode:

A spell that does a variety of simple tricks; also the first spell that Zed ever cast.

This spell creates an orb of light that floods the immediate area; Zed uses this spell before going to sleep every night in place of a lamp or torch.

Ghost Sound
An illusory cantrip which creates a sound to fool enemies; Zed uses this in the fourth part of episode 1.

Magic Missile
The one spell known by every mage, it creates tiny projectiles of energy which almost always hit the target, trading power for accuracy.

A basic enchantment which lulls the target to sleep; Zed uses this spell in an unexpected way during episode 1.

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

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March 2nd 2013, 2:46 am
Oh, darn. I guess I'll just have to wait Rolling Eyes I left you a message on GXT.
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March 2nd 2013, 3:03 am
I read the message. Wink

I wonder if I should rename the show Crystals of Silveria, due to the recent addition to the series. It sounds very fantasy-inspired, right? Smile

By the way, Silveria is the capital of Ornoposia. Wink

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
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March 2nd 2013, 10:56 am
I understand. "Crystals of Silveria" would sound better Wink

EDIT: "Crystals of Silveria" sounds better. Thanks for changing it Wink
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March 4th 2013, 12:32 pm
I like your new show Smile

 photo -2aR7jeVlapQ8T2teqnjwjJaYQo_zpscf21dd89.gif

Fighting evil by moonlight.
Winning love by daylight.
Never running from a real fight.
she is the one named sailor moon!

From the Sailor Moon opening song.

Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

March 5th 2013, 11:17 am
cheers Another fan! Thank you!!!
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March 5th 2013, 3:14 pm
The third act should be coming soon. Wink

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

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March 5th 2013, 3:18 pm
Keep up the good work. Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 631737971

Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Rukiafan7

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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 87457210

Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!
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March 5th 2013, 3:33 pm
Thank you Gozaimasu. ^_^

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
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March 6th 2013, 2:19 am
Okay, this post will contain the sample quotes from my signature. Enjoy! Wink

Quote #01 (from the episode "My Sister's Footsteps")
Zed: Hey, what happened to my clothes?!
Gazzo: That drink I gave you? A Potion of Banish Clothes!
Zed: My clothes have vanished?! Surprised
Gazzo: No, banished! To the Ethereal Plane! It's the ultimate party gag! Laughing
Zed: BRYN, HOW COULD YOU?! Crying or Very sad

Quote #02 (from the episode "My Sister's Footsteps")
Brocc: Kaley!
Kaley: Broccoli?! Is that you?! Surprised
Bryn nose-laughs.
Bryn: Your name's Broccoli?! Laughing
Brocc: Not. One. Word.
Bryn: Or else what, Green Boy?
Brocc: I'll tell Zed about the potion!
Bryn: So?
Brocc: Let me reiterate. I'll tell ZED about the POTION!
Bryn: ... Point taken. Neutral

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
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March 11th 2013, 9:10 pm
And now it's time to talk about a few of the races featured in Crystals of Silveria.

Humans are by far the most common race found in the world of Junihoshi, native to every continent and nation except Archaelia and the Southern Wastes. Humans are an adaptable breed, with different cultures and customs on each continent, and even a vastly-diverse assortment of skin tones, hair and eye colours and accents. More humans seem to live on the continent of Ornoposia than in each other part of the world, though many of them are mixed-race such as elfborn and orcborn. The primary language of the human race is Common, which is spoken by every other race on Junihoshi as the primary trade language.

High elves, colloquially referred to by humans as simply "elves", are one of the three elven people of Junihoshi. They are naturally suited for becoming mages, with individuals who study the arcane arts even more talented than those of any other race without question. The eyes of high elves are glowing orbs of a bright colour such as yellow, green, cyan or purple, and their skin and hair are fair in tone. They are slender, and they have long, pointy ears. High elves are most commonly found on the continent of Lumidelvum, where they live in cities with doorways only accessible by members of their race.

Orcborn are the result of a union between two parents: one human, one orc. They take on the best qualities of both races, with the physique and constitution of orcs combined with the adaptability and resolve of humans. Many orcborn are considered "unintelligent" by human standards, though they are still more intelligent than pure orcs; however, a few orcborn are just as intelligent as humans, albeit with a few orcish personality traits. Pure orcs see orcborn as physically weaker than them, though they see their human-like resolve as a strength to make up for it. A few communities of true-breeding orcborn exist in the world, with most living on the continent of Kobelia.

Next time: information on the dwarves and elfborn!

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
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March 17th 2013, 7:49 pm
@GamerZack7 You're an amazing author. Wink

Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Rukiafan7

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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!

Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

March 18th 2013, 9:23 am
Rukiafan wrote:@GamerZack7 You're an amazing author. Wink
I can confirm that Wink Thank you Rukiafan! You're so kind!

Please, Zack, provide us with your latest.... Scene 12. This will be so good, I'm sure it will be! YAAY! cheers
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March 18th 2013, 3:42 pm
Okay, okay, settle down! I'll work on getting it done...today! Very Happy

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
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March 20th 2013, 5:04 pm
Ready for act three of the pilot? I'm sure you are! Okay, here we GO! Very Happy

Scene 12: Newt’s Cottage: Morning

Amethyst and Zed are seated in armchairs surrounding a small table. Newt is looking through his bookcase. He pulls a book from the shelf.

Newt: Ah, yes. Here it is.

Newt walks over to the table and sits in an armchair. He places the heavy book onto the table and opens it, flipping through pages until he finds the right one.

Newt: This page contains all I know of the Silverian Empire.

Zed: It’s blank.

Newt: You are correct. Now…

Newt places his hand above the page.

Newt: “Houpetor irthir!

The page begins to glow. As it does so, words and images appear on the page.

Zed: Incredible…

Amethyst: Indeed.

Newt: The Silverian Empire stretched beyond the borders of Ornoposia all the way to Granrelm, Tundwaldun, Gnomsland, Verdelvum, Lumidelvum and Kobelia, with smaller settlements in most other continents.

Amethyst: They must have been well-known then.

Newt: Oh, they were. The empire was made up almost entirely of Ornoposian humans, who spread their culture and customs, and indeed the Common tongue, to all corners of Junihoshi.

Zed: So what happened to it?

Newt: Like all good things it came to an end, but not without leaving behind its legacy.

Amethyst holds her crystal within her delicate fingers.

Amethyst: The crystals…

Newt: A mere fragment of a much larger collection of artefacts, many of which remain concealed within ancient ruins and other places ravaged by monsters.

Zed: So the city-state of Silveria was the capital of the empire?

Newt: That is most likely. It would have been the last bastion of the empire left in a world teeming with chaos.

Zed: Chaos?

Newt: Indeed. War had broken out across the empire as factions began to emerge, each claiming ownership of the dominion. They fought for decades, civilisation crumbling away, until only the Kingdom of Silveria remained.

Zed: So what could have protected Silveria from the chaos?

Newt: My guess is it was the Astral Beings themselves who ceased the bloodshed, restoring order to Junihoshi.

Amethyst: Could they be allowed to interact directly with mortals?

Newt: In times of crisis they have been said to descend and lay aid to the peoples of Junihoshi. Their direct involvement was obviously the only way to bring peace to a troubled world.

Zed: And the artefacts?

Newt: Nobody knows their true purpose. Indeed, few even know of their existence.

Zed: Then there’s no way of knowing what the crystals do.

Amethyst: I know of one of their functions. They each provide a small boon to their respective owners. My crystal, for example, provides a slight increase in intellect.

Newt: If that is true, then there is a much greater goal intended for them.

Zed: Will it be possible to figure it out?

Newt: In time, you will learn the full extent of your gift.

Newt smiles at Zed.

Scene 13: Town Square: Late Morning

Amethyst and Zed walk past the fountain.

Zed: Well, I guess that was slightly informative.

Amethyst: Even the littlest knowledge can change the world.

Zed: True. So, what boon does my crystal provide?

Amethyst: Alas, I know not.

Zed: Really? Whoa, that’s mysterious…

Amethyst: We have one more place to visit before we must go.

Zed: Oh, I have a toilet in my house if-

Amethyst giggles.

Amethyst: I have something else in mind. Follow me.

Amethyst walks past Zed. Zed begins to follow.

Zed: Lead on, Master Wizard!

Scene 14: Taylor’s Treasures: Late Morning

Zed and Amethyst enter Taylor’s Treasures, the little bell jingling as the door opens and closes.

Zed: Of course. There’s no better place in town to buy adventuring gear.

Amethyst: So I have seen.

Mrs. Taylor heads downstairs.

Mrs. Taylor: Ah, I wondered if you’d pop in before you left.

Zed: You heard?

Mrs. Taylor: Of course, lad. Mr. Newt tells me everything.

Zed: Wow, news travels fast in this town!

Mrs. Taylor: I took the liberty of preparing your supplies.

Mrs. Taylor heads behind the counter, reaching under it and pulling out a box containing some adventuring gear. She places the box on the counter.

Mrs. Taylor: Okay, this is your adventurer’s kit.

Mrs. Taylor pulls out a blue-coloured leather shoulder bag and places it on the counter.

Mrs. Taylor: It has a collapsible bedroll, food, a pre-filled waterskin and some other bits and bobs. It’ll come in handy.

Mrs. Taylor pulls out a bag and places it on the counter.

Mrs. Taylor: This is a breather. It’s a special mask for you to wear in case you run into a gas trap while exploring a dungeon. I’ve always thought the latest technology should be practical and useful.

Zed: Gotta love those xenoxans.

Mrs. Taylor: And this…this is a special gift from me.

Mrs. Taylor reaches into the box and pulls out a silver recorder and a navy blue velvet bag with drawstring.

Mrs. Taylor: I thought you could use a new flute. This one is supposed to make the most pleasant music, so I’ve been told.

Zed: Oh, Mrs. Taylor…

Mrs. Taylor: Come, lad. You do so much for me. This is my way of thanking you.

Mrs. Taylor smiles. Zed reaches into his pocket, pulling out the two halves of his wooden recorder. He assembles it and holds it out to Mrs. Taylor.

Zed: I want you to have my old flute. To remember me by.

Mrs. Taylor and Zed exchange recorders. Mrs. Taylor smiles.

Mrs. Taylor: I’ll treasure it every day, lad.

A tear rolls down Zed’s cheek. He holds out his hands. Mrs. Taylor steps forward and embraces Zed with a big hug.

Mrs. Taylor: Take care of yourself, lad. Find your place in the world.

Zed: I’ll try to come back one day.

Mrs. Taylor: You try your hardest, Zed Starmute.

Mrs. Taylor and Zed let go of one another. Zed walks over to the counter.

Zed: Should I pay for these?

Mrs. Taylor: Amethyst already took care of it.

Zed looks at Amethyst, a puzzled look on his face.

Amethyst: I put the money on the counter while you were saying your farewells.

Zed smiles.

Zed: Thank you.

Amethyst: Just doing my duty.

Zed removes his cape, places the satchel over his shoulder, re-dons his cape, opens a front pocket and places the breather inside. He picks up the flute, disassembles it, places it into the velvet bag, pulls the drawstring and places it into his pocket.

Zed: Thank you for everything, Mrs. Taylor.

Mrs. Taylor: It was my pleasure, lad.

Another tear rolls down Zed’s cheek as both he and Amethyst leave the shop, the bell jingling as they do so. Mrs. Taylor watches them as they disappear from view.

Mrs. Taylor: We will meet again, lad…

Scene 15: En Route to The Name Pending Tavern: Early Afternoon

Amethyst and Zed walk along a well-worn road, wooden fences separating it from some green meadows.

Amethyst: You seem to have a strong bond with Mrs. Taylor.

Zed: I don’t know where I would be without her.

Amethyst: Is she a family member?

Zed: No.

Amethyst: She treats you like a son nonetheless.

Zed: She was the first one to help me when I stumbled into town.

Amethyst: Had something happened?

Zed sighs.

Zed: I have no memory of my life prior to walking into town. It was late one night, and I was wearing some kinda weird clothes. I was confused, and I didn’t know what was happening.

Amethyst: That sounds awful.

Zed: Nothing felt right whatsoever. Then I came across Taylor’s Treasures. I walked inside and explained everything to Mrs. Taylor. She took me in and gave me a place to sleep and work.

Amethyst: No wonder you are very close to one another.

Zed: Mrs. Taylor took me to the best oracles when they came to town, but they couldn’t figure out which constellation I was born under. They called me a blank slate, which earned me the nickname “The Star Mute One”. It’s as though I hadn’t existed prior to that moment. And yet I know I’ve lived for a while before that.

Amethyst: So you wish to find the place from whence you hail.

Zed: That’s part of my goal, yes.

Zed thinks to himself.

Zed: So you’re the guardian of the crystals?

Amethyst: I am indeed. On my one-hundredth birthday I was approached by one of the Elders of my citadel, who told me that I was destined to find the secret of the crystals. The crystals glowed as the box containing them was handed to me, meaning that I had been chosen by them as their distributor. I was told to find the owners of the crystals and journey with them, and together we would find out their true purpose. It took 45 years before I found the second crystal owner.

Zed: And who was it?

Amethyst smiles at Zed.

Amethyst: Why don’t you wait until we reach the tavern? I am sure the suspense will lead to a much greater surprise.

Zed: Fair enough.

Scene 16: The Name Pending Tavern: Afternoon

Amethyst and Zed enter the tavern. Zed looks around and sees a few adventurers sitting at tables. Three human males, presumably fighters, are gathered around a short-bearded dwarf wearing silver armour. The dwarf speaks with a thick Nordic-infused Scottish accent.

Dwarf: So there we were, surrounded by twelve Elek worshippers. They outnumbered us two-to-one, and the rogue very nearly gave us the slip!

Fighter #1: Rogues’ll do that to ya if ya let ‘em!

Dwarf: Ye think I’d let the rogue abandon us like that? When facing evil, we all must stand together and help however we can! I’d never let’m avoid Alistair’s goals!

Fighter #2: So what did you do?

Dwarf: What else could we do? We showed ‘em who’s boss! They won’t be hurtin’ anyone anytime soon!

The dwarf swallows a mouthful of mead from his mug. Amethyst walks over to the dwarf. Zed follows behind.

Amethyst: Good afternoon, Thobrun. I gather you are telling stories of our exploits to these gentlemen?

Thobrun: Indeed I am, Amethyst. I’m teachin’ ‘em how to fight evil as best they can.

Thobrun sees Zed standing behind Amethyst.

Thobrun: And this must be the young wizard Amethyst believes is the seventh crystal owner.

Zed: H-Hi. I’m Zed.

Thobrun stands up. He stands at about two-thirds the height of Zed, though he is broadly-built to make up for it.

Thobrun: Good ta meet you, Zed. Thobrun Steelanvil, paladin of Alistair Goodheart.

Thobrun bows. Zed bows right back.

Thobrun: Can I buy ye a drink, Zed?

Zed: Oh, I don’t drink alcohol.

Thobrun: Oh, no problem, lad. I can respect that.

Amethyst: I was just going to introduce Zed to the others.

Thobrun: I think they’re in the den upstairs.

Amethyst: Are you ready to meet your future companions, Zed?

Zed: Yep. Lead the way.

Amethyst: Very well.

Amethyst climbs the stairs, with Zed following behind. Zed looks around, and sees a male halfling in dark blue leather armour, a male gnome with green hair and a blonde elfborn girl wearing golden-yellow chainmail.

Amethyst: Bryn? Brocc? Emily? Allow me to introduce the seventh member of our team, Zed Starmute.

Zed waves.

Zed: Hi.

Bryn speaks with what sounds like a slightly-Cockney English accent.

Bryn: Well, well, well, how did I know it’d be a human?

Bryn walks over to Zed. He stands at roughly half Zed’s height. His slick black hair curves forward at its base. He has no facial hair.

Bryn: Name’s Bryn. The Loveable Rogue.

Bryn holds out his hand. Zed bends down slightly and shakes hands with Bryn.

Bryn: Ah, so you know the Granrelmian bow. I respect that, Zed.

Brocc speaks with what sounds like a European-infused American accent which sounds slightly elevated in pitch.

Brocc: Amethyst, he’s huge! Are you sure he isn’t a giantborn?

Bryn: Of course he isn’t, Brocc! Look at his build. He’s definitely a human.

Brocc walks over to Zed and looks up at him. He is slightly taller than Bryn, though most of the added height is his tall, spiky hair.

Brocc: Oh, you’re right. Sometimes it’s hard to tell. I’m Brocc Farshot, and I’m an entertainer! A bard! A lyricist!

Bryn: You can’t sing!

Brocc: No, but I still write songs, don’t I?

Bryn: Well, I can’t argue with that logic.

Emily walks over to Zed. She smiles sweetly and speaks with a soft, feminine voice.

Emily: It’s a pleasure to meet you, Zed. My name is Emily Summers, and I am a cleric of Marilina Silverblade.

Emily curtsies. Zed bows.

Zed: Is that everybody?

Amethyst: There is still one more member you must meet.

Zed: I thought so.

Bryn: He’s in the shower.

Amethyst: Really?

Bryn: I know, we were surprised as well.

A door opens, and a male orcborn steps through. He is not wearing a shirt. He rubs his black hair with a towel, then slings the towel over his right shoulder. He walks up to Amethyst and speaks with a rough American voice.

Orcborn: Amethyst. You’re back!

Amethyst: Indeed.

The orcborn looks at Zed.

Orcborn: I thought you said you were bringing back the most naturally-talented wizard in that town.

Amethyst: I have. This is Zed.

Orcborn: He can’t be more than 25 years old. That’s not experienced enough.

Amethyst: Actually, he is 27.

Orcborn: Still not experienced enough. He’s got green written all over him.

Brocc: Uh, I thought that was me.

Orcborn: Our mission is very dangerous. Who’s gonna protect this kid if he gets into trouble?

Amethyst: I believe that’s your job.

Orcborn: I don’t want to see another innocent get hurt.

Amethyst: Please! At least let him prove himself.

Orcborn: I’m sorry, but it’s too risky. First thing tomorrow, we’re taking him back to wherever he came from. I can’t put him in any danger.

Amethyst: But-

Orcborn: That’s final!

The orcborn returns to his room. A bitter sting of disappointment spreads across Zed’s face. Amethyst hangs her head and sighs.

Commercial: Welcome to The Budding Alchemist. Here you may buy any manner of supplies including potions, alchemical reagents, spell components, and the largest collection of scrolls in town. We serve everybody, from the magically gifted to those who just need a scroll of Sending. We are open every day from 8AM to 10PM. The Budding Alchemist: not just for alchemists!


Well, there's still one more act to come your way before the series officially begins! Are you looking forward to it? Stay tuned! Wink

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

March 23rd 2013, 4:02 pm
As a CoS fan, I must say this has been the most exquisite part so far...

Bloody well done, mate! Wink

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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

March 23rd 2013, 4:44 pm
Samantha wrote:As a CoS fan, I must say this has been the most exquisite part so far...

Bloody well done, mate! Wink

You're turning Au-Aussie! I think you're turning Au-Aussie! I really think so! lol!

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/OrionJZed
YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCG3iWvffWOZoci2vjsHPjQQ

Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

March 23rd 2013, 6:02 pm
GamerZack7 wrote:You're turning Au-Aussie! I think you're turning Au-Aussie! I really think so! lol!

You're kind of a stickybeak, aren't you, crow eater? Well, she'll be right, mate! As long as you keep those ripper dogs Angrus and LunarBas(s)e(t) as well as Mauzi the catweazle right where they're sitting in that picture of yours I won't grizzle.

PS: I might call you Boomer Wink

Last edited by Samantha on March 23rd 2013, 6:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

March 23rd 2013, 6:21 pm
And, at last, the conclusion to Crystals of Silveria Episode 1! Enjoy! Wink

Scene 17: The Name Pending Tavern: Evening

The orcborn stands outside the tavern, watching the sun set. Amethyst steps outside and walks over to him.

Orcborn: How’s the kid doing?

Amethyst: I know not. He has yet to leave his room.

Orcborn: What’s he been doing all this time?

Amethyst: He is practising magic so he can be skilled enough to become an adventurer one day.

Orcborn: He’s got spirit, I’ll give him that.

Amethyst: Indeed.

Orcborn: But spirit alone isn’t enough for the life of an adventurer.

Amethyst: He is a naturally-gifted wizard.

Orcborn: And that‘s a good thing, right?

Amethyst: I shall attempt to clarify. Most people who aspire to be wizards must study for decades in order to master their craft. It takes skill and precision for us to even cast a basic spell before we master the arcane.

Orcborn: So how is Zed different?

Amethyst: Zed is one of the rare few wizards who uses magic naturally, without needing to spend hours memorising spells from a book. I tested his use of Magic Missile yesterday and his accuracy was surprising.

Orcborn: If you’re trying to change my mind…

Amethyst: Need I remind you that we are both leaders of this expedition?

Orcborn: I was going to say, “If you’re trying to change my mind, it’s working”. I’m still a little unsure about this…

Amethyst: The crystal responded to his touch.

Orcborn: It did?

Amethyst: It glowed the brightest shade of cyan the moment he put it around his neck.

Orcborn: You sure it wasn’t just a coincidence?

Amethyst: The crystals never make mistakes.

The orcborn thinks to himself, then sighs.

Orcborn: Alright, I’ll give the kid a chance.

Amethyst: Excellent. He will be pleased to hear the news.

Amethyst turns and starts to walk back to the door. She stops and turns around to face the orcborn again.

Amethyst: You refer to him as “kid”. You do realise that you are younger than him, do you not?

Orcborn: By adventuring standards he’s a fledgling.

Amethyst: True.

Amethyst turns around and enters the tavern.

Scene 18: The Name Pending Tavern: Early Morning

Zed opens his room door and steps into the den. Amethyst is studying her spellbook in preparation for the day. She stops reading and looks up at Zed, smiling.

Amethyst: Good morning, Zed.

Zed: Good morning.

Amethyst: How did you sleep?

Zed: Better than usual. I had the dream again, but it’s starting to make more sense. I tried trancing before going to bed, just to see if it would help.

Amethyst: Did it have any effect?

Zed: Well, I had better control of my dream. This time I held off casting Light during the ice room bit.

Amethyst: What did you see?

Zed: I saw five people at the opposite end, but it was so dark that I couldn’t make out what they looked like. They just stood there, not moving or making a sound. Then a silver dragon appeared above us and landed in front of me facing them. It roared, and the person in the middle turned into a white dragon and attacked it. They fought for what seemed like hours, although it was only mere moments. Then the white dragon grew to a massive size, and that’s when I cast Light again.

Amethyst: Perhaps next time you should let the white dragon continue to grow. There is obviously some significance.

Zed: I guess so.

Amethyst: Come. We must eat a good breakfast in preparation for the day.

The orcborn climbs up the stairs.

Orcborn: Come on, you two. Time for breakfast.

Amethyst: We will be down momentarily.

Orcborn: Okay.

The orcborn turns and climbs back down. Amethyst heads for the stairs, with Zed following behind.

Scene 19: En Route to Silveria City: Morning

The party walks along a forested path heading in the direction of Silveria City. Zed speaks to the orcborn.

Zed: Thank you for giving me a chance.

Orcborn: Amethyst says you’re great, so that’s good enough for me. Just be careful.

Zed: I will.

The orcborn smiles.

Orcborn: So you really have no idea where you came from?

Zed: That’s right. My past is a complete blank.

Orcborn: Maybe you’re from another continent.

Zed: You think so?

Orcborn: Well yes. Your accent’s definitely not Ornoposian.

Zed: So where are you from?

Orcborn: I was raised in North Keradent by my father. My best friend was a bagubear named Beet.

Zed: I’m sorry, what’s a bagubear?

Bryn: You’re joking, right?

Zed: Nope, I’m serious.

Bryn: Well, they look like a mixture of ape, bear and bolgard.

Zed: Bolgard?

Bryn: Wow, you really can’t remember who you are, can you?

Amethyst: One of Zed’s primary goals is to learn about his past.

Brocc: I could try to help him remember with a bardic song.

Bryn: No! No singing! The last time you sung, your cat ran away for days!

Brocc: She didn’t run away! I sent her to scout for the next town.

Bryn: And did she find it?

Brocc: … Well, she found somebody’s camp.

Bryn: A camp of gobbos, if I’m not mistaken? And she led them right to us.

Brocc: Well, I won’t make that mistake again, okay?

Bryn: Oh? Then where is your precious familiar right now?

Brocc: Uh…scouting ahead.

Bryn: My point.

Thobrun: Come on, you two. You should stop your bickering for once.

Zed: Is that your cat?

An orange tabby cat walks up to the team.

Brocc: Tabby! You’re back! What did you find?

Tabby meows. A look of dread spreads across Brocc’s face.

Brocc: Uh, there’s a group of scary looking thugs at the bridge.

Emily: They were not there two days ago. What business do they have with the bridge?

Bryn: That answer your question, Emmy?

Bryn points to a sign with the words “TOLL RODE” crudely written in black paint.

Thobrun: Oh, great. Barbarians.

Orcborn: Be realistic, Thobrun. No barbarian can write that good!

Emily: This is bad. Very bad.

Brocc: Emily, settle down. You’re scaring Zed.

Zed: Actually, I’m not too bad right now.

Brocc: Oh…well, in that case…

Orcborn: Just relax. We’ve been in worse situations before.

Bryn: Name one time.

Orcborn: Gobbo siege of that village two weeks ago.

Bryn: Okay, I guess that was slightly worse…

Emily: I needed to heal a quarter of the villagers.

Bryn: Whatever. The point is that barbarians are mindless, savage-

Orcborn: Bryn, shut it! We’re here.

Bryn looks up at the barbarian guarding the bridge.

Bryn: Oh…heheh…hello!

Barbarian: The toll is 5 gold each for you to cross. So…one, two, four, five, six, eight, twelve…32 gold total.

Bryn’s thoughts: And here’s the result of today’s education system!

Orcborn: We’re not paying.

Bryn: What?!

Orcborn: Why should we pay to cross a bridge that’s free for us to cross any other time?

Barbarian: Because my club says you’re giving us gold.

Orcborn: Well my sword says otherwise.

Bryn: Now come on, be reasonable!

Orcborn: I am being reasonable, Bryn.

Barbarian: Look, just pay us the money and nobody gets hurt!

Orcborn: Can you even spell “money”?

Barbarian: M…un…e?

Orcborn: Wrong answer.

Barbarian: I AM NOT UNLITERATE! Fellas, get over here and teach these guys how to spell “pain”!

Orcborn: P-A-I-N!


The barbarian rushes towards the orcborn and swings his club at him. The orcborn bends backwards, unsheathes his sword and slashes the barbarian’s pectoral muscle. The barbarian roars and swings his club at the orcborn, who blocks the club with his sword.

Orcborn: All of you! Get Zed to safety!

Bryn: Uh, that’s going to be a problem, fearless leader.

Four barbarians approach the group from behind.

Barbarian #2: Where do you think you’re going?

Bryn: Uh, we were just going to head back to the tavern and have a nice relaxing bath!

Barbarian #3: Nobody’s going anywhere till we’ve dealt with your leader.

Amethyst points her staff at the other barbarians.

Amethyst: “Colour Spray!”

A ray of multicoloured light engulfs the barbarians, leaving them dazed and confused. She turns to face the barbarian leader, who is still pushing his club against the orcborn’s sword. The barbarian bellows and pushes the orcborn towards the edge of the cliff. The orcborn regains his balance, but is cornered with nowhere else to go.

Barbarian Leader: That river’s moving mighty fast. Might we be near a W-O-H-T-A-F-O-H-L?

Orcborn: A what?

Barbarian Leader: A WATERFALL!

The other barbarians regain their senses and join their leader in surrounding the orcborn.

Barbarian #4: I hope you can swim…and survive a two-foot plunge down a waterfall!

Amethyst: This is bad! We cannot attack them all at once!

Emily: But if we fail to do something he will be thrust into the river anyway!

Barbarian Leader: Say my regards to your ancestors for me!

The barbarian leader raises his club. Zed suddenly steps forward, pulls out his wand and points it at the barbarians.

Zed: STOP!

The barbarians turn around to face Zed. They take one look at his wand and start laughing.

Barbarian #5: What can you do with that thing? Poke our ribcages?

Barbarian #4: Look, he thinks he’s a big tough man with his tiny sword!

Barbarian Leader: Put your stick away, little boy. Grown-ups are talking.

Barbarian #2: Yeah, there’s nothing you can-

Zed: “SLEEP!”

As Zed’s word echoes, a wave pulses from the tip of his wand, engulfing the barbarians in a pale blue light. They collapse to the ground in a deep slumber.

Orcborn: What the…?!

Thobrun: How did you do that, lad?!

Bryn: I thought you were just an apprentice!

Amethyst: As I said to you all, Zed is a natural mage.

The orcborn steps over the barbarians and walks over to the party.

Orcborn: I guess Amethyst was right. You have talent.

The orcborn sheaths his sword and holds out his right hand. Zed grabs it and clenches. The two men release their grips.

Orcborn: Thank you for helping me.

Zed: No problem.

Orcborn: I just realised I haven’t told you my name yet. Mak Clay, fighter. And I’m happy to have you on board, buddy.

Zed: Thank you.

A woman’s voice echoes from the other side of the bridge.

Voice: Are you alright over there?

Mak: We could use some help with these barbarians over here.

Voice: We will be right over.

Bryn: We?

Four male humans and a female elfborn cross the bridge. They are wearing silver armour and helmets. The elfborn walks over to Mak.

Elfborn: Cynthia Meadows, guard-captain of Silveria City.

Cynthia looks down at the unconscious barbarians.

Cynthia: Ah, I see you succeeded in apprehending the thugs. Come. We will escort you to Silveria City to organise payment for your assistance.

Scene 20: En Route to Silveria City: Early Afternoon

The party travels with the guards across a well-worn road through an open plain. The barbarians are linked together by iron chains.

Cynthia: These thugs have been causing trouble in the region for weeks.

Amethyst: Did nobody attempt to apprehend them?

Cynthia: Most people who could help were preoccupied with other quests. The few who remained were overly cautious and chose not to assist.

Mak: Well, what was the bounty on these guys?

Zed takes a mouthful of water from his waterskin.

Cynthia: 2499 gold.

Zed turns his head and spits out the water.

Mak: I’m surprised nobody wanted the bounty.

Cynthia: Well, considering you assisted us with no desire to claim any reward money for their capture, as well as the level of skill involved…

Zed takes another mouthful of water.

Cynthia: … I am obliged to double the reward.

Zed turns his head and spits out the water again.

Bryn: Careful there, Zeddy, or you’ll have no water left till we reach the city!

Zed takes a third mouthful of water.

Cynthia: That is it over there. We should arrive within the hour.

Zed takes one look at the giant citadel and spits out his water again.

Zed: That place is huge!

Amethyst giggles.

Amethyst: It appears even bigger once you enter.

Bryn: Oh, you’re going to love it, Zed! It’s wall-to-wall shops, taverns and entertainment!

Emily: We must visit the Temple of Marilina when we enter.

Thobrun: And the Temple of Alistair.

Bryn: And a nightclub!

Mak: There’s plenty of time to explore the city once we sort out these gentlemen.

The barbarian leader spits at Mak.

Mak: Looks like Zed’s a bigger man than this guy after all!

Everybody laughs as they continue to head towards Silveria City.

Scene 21: Unknown Location: Unknown Time

The mysterious man who spied on Zed and Amethyst in The Budding Alchemist walks along a narrow blue carpet in a gigantic icy room up to a glass throne. He has tanned skin and a buzz-cut, and is wearing brown hide armour marked with black stripes. He kneels and looks up at the female figure sitting in the throne.

Man: I bring news, Mistress. The elf known as Amethyst has given the Azure Crystal to a young wizard named Zed.

Figure: So, the crystals have all found their owners. Trenton, I am sending you and Kara to retrieve Amethyst and her companions. Bring them to me.

Trent: It will be done, Mistress.

Figure: And Trenton? I want them alive. Is that understood?

Trent: Yes, Mistress.

The figure’s blue lipstick-covered lips twist into an evil smile.

Figure: Good.

End Credits


And that's the end of episode one! The series should officially begin soon, kicking off with a complete version of this episode containing an introduction and minor corrections. Then the adventure continues as the party faces challenges in Silveria City! Stay tuned! Wink

Last edited by GamerZack7 on March 24th 2013, 4:10 am; edited 1 time in total

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/OrionJZed
YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCG3iWvffWOZoci2vjsHPjQQ

Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

March 24th 2013, 1:44 am
So far so good, except for the twist at the end. I wonder what it all means. Thank you for sharing this with all of us, Zack. You're an outstanding writer with a lot of imagination and dedication! I'm looking forward to read the 2nd episode. Very Happy
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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

March 25th 2013, 1:26 am
And now, the Junihoshi calendar! There are 365 days in one calendar year, with 30 days each month and seven days each week. Each month has four weeks, with a two-day festival between the second and third weeks. The days of the week are Aka, Cha, Ki, Mido, Sora, Ao and Mura. Here is the calendar:

New Year's Day

Astral Festival (2 days)

Kedakai - 1st Month - Late Autumn (N)/Late Spring (S)
-Dragon Festival (2 Days)

Duskwhisper - 2nd Month - Early Winter (N)/Early Summer (S)
-Moon Festival (2 Days)

Alistair - 3rd Month - Mid Winter (N)/Mid Summer (S)
-Winter Festival (2 Days)

Golddawn - 4th Month - Late Winter (N)/Late Summer (S)
-Magic Festival (2 Days)

Fourth Year Festival (1 day every 4 years between Golddawn and Wildtread)

Wildtread - 5th Month - Early Spring (N)/Early Autumn (S)
-Animal Festival (2 Days)

Sirbolg - 6th Month - Mid Spring (N)/Mid Autumn (S)
-Party Festival (2 Days)

Rhyanna - 7th Month - Late Spring (N)/Late Autumn (S)
-Great Festival (2 Days)

Gol - 8th Month - Early Summer (N)/Early Winter (S)
-Freedom Festival (2 Days)

Silverblade - 9th Month - Mid Summer (N)/Mid Winter (S)
-Summer Festival (2 Days)

Flora - 10th Month - Late Summer (N)/Late Winter (S)
-Nature Festival (2 Days)

Simphon - 11th Month - Early Autumn (N)/Early Spring (S)
-Muse Festival (2 Days)

Sbenmor - 12th Month - Mid Autumn (N)/Mid Spring (S)
-Trickster's Festival (2 Days)

Merchant's Festival (2 Days)

Last edited by GamerZack7 on April 25th 2013, 10:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

March 25th 2013, 1:28 am
¡ɹɐpuǝןɐɔ uʍo ɹnoʎ ɥʇıʍ dn ǝɯɐɔ uǝʌǝ noʎ ¡ʍou ʎɹoʇs ʇɐɥʇ oʇuı ʎןןɐǝɹ ǝɹ,noʎ 'ʍoʍ
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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

March 25th 2013, 1:38 am
Samantha wrote:¡ɹɐpuǝןɐɔ uʍo ɹnoʎ ɥʇıʍ dn ǝɯɐɔ uǝʌǝ noʎ ¡ʍou ʎɹoʇs ʇɐɥʇ oʇuı ʎןןɐǝɹ ǝɹ,noʎ 'ʍoʍ
Actually, I pulled the calendar straight from the campaign guide. I created the calendar months ago. Wink

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

March 25th 2013, 1:53 am
Perhaps you could tell us more about what we should expect the coming days, weeks and months that follow Crystals of Silvaria Episode 1.
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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

March 25th 2013, 1:58 am
Samantha wrote:Perhaps you could tell us more about what we should expect the coming days, weeks and months that follow Crystals of Silvaria Episode 1.
Where would be the fun in ruining the surprise? Wink

Oh, fair enough. I'll leave one little tidbit: each protagonist should get at least one spotlight episode in the first season. Zed's spotlight episode was the pilot, and Brocc's will be early on as well. I intend to make 12-14 episodes in the first season, with similar numbers in subsequent seasons. Smile

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

March 25th 2013, 2:12 am
OMG! You're gonna spam the whole site? Razz
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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

March 25th 2013, 3:07 am
Samantha wrote:OMG! You're gonna spam the whole site? Razz
What? No! Why would I do that?! Surprised

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

March 25th 2013, 4:18 am
So, it's gonna be just one huge upload per episode? 12 in total? haha! Wink
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March 25th 2013, 4:45 am
Samantha wrote:So, it's gonna be just one huge upload per episode? 12 in total? haha! Wink
Well, each episode will be split into four chunks uploaded one after another, so you'll get the whole episode at once but spread across four posts. Smile

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

March 25th 2013, 4:47 am
Glup! That's a lot of reading at once! Very Happy
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March 28th 2013, 4:42 am
And now, the full list of episodes in CoS's first season!

S1E01: The Seventh Crystal
S1E02: Bright Lights, Big Citadel
S1E03: Call of the Wild and Trained
S1E04: The Loveable Rogue
S1E05: My Sister's Footsteps
S1E06: The Other Lackeys
S1E07: Emily's Homecoming
S1E08: Of She-Orcs and Men
S1E09: Merchant's Stolen Cargo
S1E10: The Winter Festival
S1E11: The Sorceress Cometh
S1E12: Every Reason to be Bitter

Commence speculation...NOW! Wink

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

March 28th 2013, 12:04 pm
cheers Why don't you get yourself a new forum called "CoS"?
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March 28th 2013, 4:37 pm
Samantha wrote:cheers Why don't you get yourself a new forum called "CoS"?
I can't afford it... Sad

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/OrionJZed
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March 28th 2013, 6:25 pm
It's free Very Happy
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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

March 28th 2013, 8:22 pm
I think I'll just stick with WiiWareWave for now. Wink

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
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Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

March 28th 2013, 11:05 pm
Will you be posting CoS episodes again this weekend? Very Happy
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March 28th 2013, 11:32 pm
If I can write an episode by then, I will. Wink

The second episode is called Bright Lights, Big Citadel. It features Amethyst catching up with Alek Stormshroud, an old acquaintance of hers who has become a teacher at his family's magic academy. But something is happening within the campus walls...something I still have to think up! lol!

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/OrionJZed
YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCG3iWvffWOZoci2vjsHPjQQ

Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7 Empty Re: Crystals of Silveria Series Hub & Junihoshi Guidebook - By GamerZack7

March 29th 2013, 4:55 am
"Bright Lights, Big Citadel" ... referring to Silvaria, aren't you?

"... something I still have to think up!" ... you're starting to sound like Zed lol!
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