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Biorn the Viking
Biorn the Viking
Co-founder of Renegade Kid Jools Watsham has revealed the upcoming content for Mutant Mudds will be exclusively available on the WiiU.

Mutant Mudds Deluxe Content Exclusive To WiiU Wii-u1

Directly from Jools Watsham's Twitter
"The current plan is to make the Wii U content exclusive to the Wii U."

Source: Click here

"If challenge had a taste, you'd be quite delicious." - Travis Touchdown.
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January 2nd 2013, 5:58 pmKeAfan7
That's good, but I won't be getting my Wii U back from Nintendo until late February or early March which is a ridiculously long wait for repairs. Sad
January 2nd 2013, 6:10 pmNINTENBRO
They need to include exclusive content; otherwise, there would be no incentive to download Mutant Mudds on the WiiU. The stereosscopic 3D effects made Mutant Mudds the kind of game it is. I don't think I'd be able to fully enjoy the game now, if it wasn't in 3D.
Biorn the Viking
January 2nd 2013, 6:29 pmBiorn the Viking
Rukiafan wrote:That's good, but I won't be getting my Wii U back from Nintendo until late February or early March which is a ridiculously long wait for repairs. Sad

I'm guessing one of the system updates are to blame? Sorry to hear that Rukia! >.<

Nintenbro wrote:They need to include exclusive content; otherwise, there would be no incentive to download Mutant Mudds on the WiiU. The stereosscopic 3D effects made Mutant Mudds the kind of game it is. I don't think I'd be able to fully enjoy the game now, if it wasn't in 3D.

Agreed. They need to add in those extras to give purpose for a purchase.
I suppose it's a good thing I never bothered to buy it on iOS or 3DS yet. 3D effects in 2D platformers don't do it for me (unless the game is Gunman Clive) so I think I can survive without that.
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