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New levels for Mutant Mudds  EW-f1NAm8Qy35gBrdQYlek6gXuA9ZlOu

Mutant Mudds will soon be in numerous digital distribution partners release on PC Windows. The PC version will contain 20 brand new levels in addition to 40 from the Nintendo eShop version.

Don't feel left out 3DS owners. Jools Watsham, the co-founded of Renegade Kid, (possibly) confirmed via Twitter that an upcoming update for Mutant Mudds on the Nintendo eShop will include 50% more levels.

Are you looking forward to more muddy goodness with more Mutant Mudds levels and its eventual sequel. Leave your welcoming thoughts at the Comment section below.

Wii U NNID: SkywardL
3DS Friendcode: 1590 - 4719 - 1381
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July 12th 2012, 11:41 amLizofDoom
Will the downloadable levels be the same ones from the PC version?
July 12th 2012, 12:41 pmGuest
When will the dlc be released?
July 12th 2012, 2:39 pmNeptune
How much will the dlc cost?
July 12th 2012, 3:42 pmClαππαd
I'm glad 3DS owners won't miss out on the extra content!
July 12th 2012, 6:05 pmSkywardL
There's no confirmation whether DLC will be free or not and there's no release date as of yet.
July 12th 2012, 6:05 pmYakko
That's great news! Mutant Mudds rocks and new levels are always welcome. Smile
Rena Ryuugu Fanboy
July 12th 2012, 7:18 pmRena Ryuugu Fanboy
Does anyone know when the PC version will be released? I doubt the download content will be available before then.
July 12th 2012, 9:44 pmAussiegamer
Thanks for posting this mate :-D
July 12th 2012, 9:53 pmTasuki
I tried the demo and was impressed but right now there are other games that I want to play more that I keep spending my money on. Now if they were to give Mutant Mudds a sale one of these weekends then I might pick it up if I have the cash to spare.
July 12th 2012, 10:02 pmKeAfan7
Keep up the hard work SkywardL. Wink
July 13th 2012, 1:21 amDigiDestined
I hope the price is reasonable for this download content it doesn't have to be free, but a reasonable price would be nice. Smile
July 13th 2012, 1:27 pmMarioman18
Will there be a WiiU eshop release for Mutant Mudds?
July 13th 2012, 1:40 pmToughGamer
50% extra content is impressive. I doubt the dlc will be free.
July 14th 2012, 12:11 amFM_Alchemist
20 new levels will add much to this already great eshop game! New levels for Mutant Mudds  631737971
Nell TU
July 14th 2012, 1:12 amNell TU
Will europe receive this dlc?
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