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Videogame Crossovers. Empty Videogame Crossovers.

April 15th 2012, 3:22 pm

I found this article in my twitter feed a few days ago. Its from IGN they were talking about some video game crossovers that should happen. So it got me to thinking. Which two video game universes would I love to see clashed together.

Give me a minute to think about mine.

In the mean time tell me all all the video games you have played which two do you think deserve a crossover.

This is not limited to just nintendo games

Videogame Crossovers. Empty Re: Videogame Crossovers.

April 17th 2012, 2:02 pm
Starfy and Kirby in one game would be logical given how similar they are.

I don't think I can top a title like "Deus Ex: Human Dance Dance Revolution". Razz

Videogame Crossovers. Empty Re: Videogame Crossovers.

April 17th 2012, 3:12 pm
How does the Legend of Zelda and Skyrim sound.OMG just thinking about it makes my brain explode.

Im actually surprised I havent seen a Jak and Daxter and ratchet and Clank crossover yet.

Videogame Crossovers. Empty Re: Videogame Crossovers.

April 17th 2012, 3:20 pm
There's PlayStation Move Heroes, if that counts. It also had Sly Cooper.

Videogame Crossovers. Empty Re: Videogame Crossovers.

April 17th 2012, 3:26 pm
Intresting. But Still I ment a game with just those guys. Both of those games are made by the same developers.
Biorn the Viking
Biorn the Viking

Videogame Crossovers. Empty Re: Videogame Crossovers.

April 18th 2012, 2:44 pm
Pokemon: Black Ops. "The definitive first-person shooter". Yup. I could see it happening. He should be holding Pokeballs though, not guns.

Videogame Crossovers. Empty Re: Videogame Crossovers.

April 18th 2012, 5:21 pm
Wow. Just Wow. LOL
Biorn the Viking
Biorn the Viking

Videogame Crossovers. Empty Re: Videogame Crossovers.

April 19th 2012, 5:08 am
It'll happen eventually. First-person Pokemon game (aside from Pokemon Snap). They'll make a cheesy advert to go with it. Perfect!

Videogame Crossovers. Empty Re: Videogame Crossovers.

April 19th 2012, 7:10 am
Super Smash Bros / Timesplitters


Videogame Crossovers. Empty Re: Videogame Crossovers.

April 19th 2012, 11:49 am
Smash Bros+ Street Fighter+ Tekken+ Marvel vs Capcom+ Mortal Kombat vs DC universe.

A fighting game So EPic that once you put it in your console it explodes. And if it doesnt explode you die from an overdoes of Awesome.
Biorn the Viking
Biorn the Viking

Videogame Crossovers. Empty Re: Videogame Crossovers.

April 19th 2012, 2:51 pm
KingreX32 wrote:Smash Bros+ Street Fighter+ Tekken+ Marvel vs Capcom+ Mortal Kombat vs DC universe.

A fighting game So EPic that once you put it in your console it explodes. And if it doesnt explode you die from an overdoes of Awesome.

Needs more Dragonball Z, UFC and WWF/WWE/RAW or whatever they call it.

Videogame Crossovers. Empty Re: Videogame Crossovers.

April 19th 2012, 7:09 pm
DBZ is just overkill. LOL
Biorn the Viking
Biorn the Viking

Videogame Crossovers. Empty Re: Videogame Crossovers.

April 20th 2012, 2:35 am
You can never go wrong with a series that has characters evolving hundreds of times and power levels over 9000.

Videogame Crossovers. Empty Re: Videogame Crossovers.

April 20th 2012, 6:09 pm
LOL maybe but Goku would DESTROY mario in a fight. Think of what his Final Smash would be.

Videogame Crossovers. Empty Re: Videogame Crossovers.

April 26th 2012, 7:23 am
Nintendo Vs Capcom

imagine. Mario vs Ryu
Megaman vs R.O.B
Chris Redfield vs Captain Falcon
Chun li vs Peach
Albert Wesker vs Masterhand
Your character from Monster hunter vs Link


Videogame Crossovers. Empty Re: Videogame Crossovers.

April 28th 2012, 12:44 pm
Oh Guys, People,Wiiwarewave members Check this out. How about the New Smash Bros game vs the Sony ripoff.m

Biorn the Viking
Biorn the Viking

Videogame Crossovers. Empty Re: Videogame Crossovers.

April 28th 2012, 8:31 pm
Nothing like a healthy dose of competition between brawlers. The way I see it right now, Sony is 'trying' (big emphasis on trying) to attract the Nintendo audience. Same goes for Microsoft. I still love each company for all the exclusives though. Razz
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Videogame Crossovers. Empty Re: Videogame Crossovers.

May 14th 2012, 4:51 am
I got it! Pokemon + Nobunaga's Ambition! Oh wait...that's been done... Neutral

Well, how about an Advance Wars/Fire Emblem crossover? COs such as Nell, Olaf, Kanbei and Eagle rubbing shoulders with the likes of Marth, Ike, Roy and Hector against the combined forces of Black Hole and whatever bad guys occupy the Fire Emblem settings...oh, yes! Wink

Videogame Crossovers. Empty Re: Videogame Crossovers.

May 14th 2012, 12:00 pm
Need for Speed and Ridge Racer

Videogame Crossovers. Empty Re: Videogame Crossovers.

June 11th 2012, 6:56 pm
GamerZack wrote:I got it! Pokemon + Nobunaga's Ambition! Oh wait...that's been done... Neutral

Well, how about an Advance Wars/Fire Emblem crossover? COs such as Nell, Olaf, Kanbei and Eagle rubbing shoulders with the likes of Marth, Ike, Roy and Hector against the combined forces of Black Hole and whatever bad guys occupy the Fire Emblem settings...oh, yes! Wink
I can sort of see Advance Wars/Fire Emblem working, if they can get past the problem of sword users being useless against guns. Magicians would be able to hang with tanks and the tougher units.

Videogame Crossovers. Empty Re: Videogame Crossovers.

June 12th 2012, 10:58 am
It seems that figting games are more likely to Crossover. There should be a change.

As much as I didnt like it. I was kinda lookig forward to the supposed Star Fox Metroid crossover. I think it would have been cool to see.
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