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Written By: KingreX32
Aliens Colonial Marines WiiU is going to be the Best Version AliensColonialMarines

Well Well Well, it looks like it’s not just us here at Wiiwarewave that love the upcoming WiiU, Aliens Colonial Marines Developer Gearbox Studious CEO Randy Pitchford has nothing but Praise for the new console. In an interview with The Verge he had this to say about the WiiU.

“The Wii U version has so much more to offer, no other platform can do what the Wii U can do,” “If you love 360 games, you are not used to being in a world where you have this new interface. But once you get used to that, you imagine the possibilities; there are some opportunities that are just not possible on any platform that does not have that device.”
Because the game in still in development and Nintendo is still abit Hush Hush about the new consoles features he couldn’t reveal much details about the upcoming game.

“I don’t want to give spoilers away on some of things we are thinking of or things we have actually implemented already,” he said, “but there are a lot of cool opportunities with that device that are going to make a very unique and compelling experience on that platform. We have given it a lot of attention.”
Aliens Colonial Marines WiiU is going to be the Best Version AliensColonialmarinesScreen

Based on screen shots we can see that the game has no HUD, instead uses a motion sensor to detect near by Xenomorphs. It has been suggested by fans that the WiiU controller could possibly be used in this sort of fashion, the same way Assassins Creed 3 uses the controller for Eagle Vision.

While he couldn’t give us any specific details on the WiiU version he did reveal a little more about the game. Mainly that it would support “Competitive multiplayer”, He went on to say ….“If you are curious about what we are doing there, I strongly recommend visiting us at PAX East.” PAX East takes place April 6-8 in Boston.
Aliens Colonial Marines is slated for a fall 2012 release.

So what do you guys think about all this?



Sources Computer and Video Games ,Lazygamer ,and Gametrailers.com

Last edited by KingreX32 on March 29th 2012, 6:26 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : had to edit some stuff)

Nintendo Network ID: KingreX32


Aliens Colonial Marines WiiU is going to be the Best Version Captaincanucksigcopy
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Objection Blaster
March 29th 2012, 12:59 pmObjection Blaster
It's great that the WiiU is going to have the best versions of games for awhile. victory
Well so far this is the only game we know is gonna be better than the PS3 and 360 counterparts.
Golden Freiza
The trailer looks sweet. Aliens Colonial Marines WiiU is going to be the Best Version 631737971
I know eh. I love the music that plays in it. I got it on my MP3
Biorn the Viking
Loving what I've seen of Aliens: CM so far. Would be great to see how they make use of the WiiU controller.
Welcome to WiiWareWave Ultanium |D
Xenoblade was released early at many Gamestop locations by accident so that may be the cause of everyone being away from the forum today |D

@KingreX32 I love a doing some good alien butt kicking after work |D
LOL Awesome dude. I loving the look of this ganme myself. I really hope I can buy the WiiU when its released.

This is the first game im getting. Yesterday in celebration of this game and the New Prometheus Movie this year I went out and bought the first Alien movie on DVD.
KingreX if you keep buying movies you won't be able to afford a WiiU at release. Neutral
Speaking of the WiiU I heard it could be $250 for the base version with an sd card memory slot and $400 for a version with a 300 gigabyte harddrive. I love you
nah I have a plan. Thats gonna get me this console without having to spend much money
Sounds like Darksiders II won't be the only definitive version. I'm hoping the rest of the ports aren't treated lightly.
Yoshi wrote:Sounds like Darksiders II won't be the only definitive version. I'm hoping the rest of the ports aren't treated lightly.

You and me both.
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