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A Jaggies guide for how to eat a Monster Hunter Empty A Jaggies guide for how to eat a Monster Hunter

February 18th 2012, 2:49 pm
If you see a sharp object in the hunters hand keep your distance, and call some of your friends then wait for the hunter to fall asleep lol.

A Jaggies guide for how to eat a Monster Hunter 1210

A Jaggies guide for how to eat a Monster Hunter D9qgr310

Obsessive member of WiiWareWave :]
Wii FC 1724-3424-1981-0846

A Jaggies guide for how to eat a Monster Hunter Empty Re: A Jaggies guide for how to eat a Monster Hunter

February 19th 2012, 7:14 pm
If you see a hunter waving fire around grow some **lls, and eat the hunter he cannot fight back =p

A Jaggies guide for how to eat a Monster Hunter Anime_10

A Jaggies guide for how to eat a Monster Hunter Empty Re: A Jaggies guide for how to eat a Monster Hunter

February 27th 2012, 1:20 pm
Wait for the hunter to get hungry gather some firewood and toss a chunk of fresh meat in it wait for the hunter to approach the meat and jump the hunter from behind and feast on hunter Laughing
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