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Just Register Already! Empty Just Register Already!

October 30th 2011, 2:10 am
For the life of me, I really can't understand why gaming forums always have a larger volume of guests than members visiting them. Why don't they just register and join the party? It's much easier to acquire the information your seeking to obtain if you post an inquiry in one of the threads, instead of scouring the website searching until one day it suddenly appears.

If anyone of you guests decide to join after reading this then please post a reply in this thread. I would really like to know if this somehow persuaded you to do so.

Just Register Already! Empty Re: Just Register Already!

October 30th 2011, 4:17 am
I tihnk we get more guests due to the awwesome reveiwes.

Just Register Already! Kero_s10

Just Register Already! Empty Re: Just Register Already!

October 30th 2011, 8:49 am
and the news articles dont forget those also. I mean i read lots of articles and reviews on IGN Kotaku and Gamespot but I never register either.

Nintendo Network ID: KingreX32


Just Register Already! Captaincanucksigcopy

Just Register Already! Empty Re: Just Register Already!

October 30th 2011, 11:08 am
KingreX32 wrote:and the news articles dont forget those also. I mean i read lots of articles and reviews on IGN Kotaku and Gamespot but I never register either.
On the subject of gaming news KingreX32, I was just mentioning to Andy lastnight that I would post any video coverage of gaming events here at WiiWareWave instead of or also on YouTube. Like the Legend of Zelda symphony concert, or the upcoming Super Mario 3D Land luanch celebration in Times Square. I'm almost sure that type of content would bring a wealth of popularity to WiiWareWave. Oh, and I happen to have an account at IGN as well, but I don't post much there.

Just Register Already! Empty Re: Just Register Already!

October 30th 2011, 11:27 am

Th3 news attracts a lot of attention. Especially when i post it. Razz

Just Register Already! Kero_s10

Just Register Already! Empty Re: Just Register Already!

October 30th 2011, 12:31 pm
WiiAboutU wrote:
KingreX32 wrote:and the news articles dont forget those also. I mean i read lots of articles and reviews on IGN Kotaku and Gamespot but I never register either.
On the subject of gaming news KingreX32, I was just mentioning to Andy lastnight that I would post any video coverage of gaming events here at WiiWareWave instead of or also on YouTube. Like the Legend of Zelda symphony concert, or the upcoming Super Mario 3D Land luanch celebration in Times Square. I'm almost sure that type of content would bring a wealth of popularity to WiiWareWave. Oh, and I happen to have an account at IGN as well, but I don't post much there.

Sounds good dude. But we would have to set up a Wiiwarewave youtube account then give the staff the login. I myself was trying to put togethera Wiiwarewave youtube commercial but unfortunatly my laptop crapped out on me.

Last edited by KingreX32 on October 30th 2011, 12:35 pm; edited 1 time in total

Nintendo Network ID: KingreX32


Just Register Already! Captaincanucksigcopy
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Just Register Already! Empty Re: Just Register Already!

October 30th 2011, 12:33 pm
We already have an account Laughing

Just Register Already! Rukiafan7

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