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Do you wash your hands after using a public restroom? Empty Do you wash your hands after using a public restroom?

October 18th 2011, 3:30 pm
I don't. I don't like to touch anything in a public restroom, including the handle where all the paper towels come out of lol.

Do you wash your hands after using a public restroom? Empty Re: Do you wash your hands after using a public restroom?

October 18th 2011, 3:49 pm
Yuck. Public restrooms. I don't even use it at school.

Do you wash your hands after using a public restroom? Kero_s10

Do you wash your hands after using a public restroom? Empty Re: Do you wash your hands after using a public restroom?

October 18th 2011, 4:50 pm
Yup I use the restroom in my pants before I use a public restroom Laughing
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