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new 3ds home menu? Empty new 3ds home menu?

October 11th 2011, 3:15 pm
okay ive had a 3ds since it came out. and one of the things that sucks that i think they should change is the home menu. its so boring and dull and very irritating to find stuff if u have a lot of games. so what improvements if any would u like to see happen to the 3ds home menu

new 3ds home menu? Nsmbw_10
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new 3ds home menu? Empty Re: new 3ds home menu?

December 1st 2011, 10:57 pm
I don't own a 3DS, but have played one. One thing I didn't like was how disorganised the menu was compared to the Wii menu.
It was a chore to find downloads for instance. Neutral

new 3ds home menu? Rukiafan7

new 3ds home menu? 19654

new 3ds home menu? Rukiafan7

new 3ds home menu? 87457210

new 3ds home menu? Bleach10

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new 3ds home menu? Empty Re: new 3ds home menu?

December 3rd 2011, 6:37 pm
No problem at all. You can order the games by dragging them around. So I have a seperate section for games, applications and movies. But you can make it as crazy as you want yourself. No, I'm content with it.

new 3ds home menu? Empty Re: new 3ds home menu?

January 22nd 2012, 2:40 am
It's a decent menu, but the overall thing is too similar to the DSi for my liking. Would have preferred to see something completely new, ideally something with folders so I don't have random gaps everywhere when organizing things. I'm content though.

new 3ds home menu? 2q1w11s
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