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Our Round Table Predictions!


Exclusive Feature: WiiWareWave Staff Viewpoint ~ Our Predictions For Today's Nintendo Direct Ninten13

With Nintendo's E3 2023 Nintendo Direct broadcast "the first full-on June Nintendo Direct since 2019" mere hours away, three members of our crew have decided to share our predictions for the broadcast "AmuFunGal, FuManchu, and myself" so buckle up for some sound predictions as well as some predictions that might be pretty out there! Without further ado here's @AmuFunGal's predictions:

AmuFunGal: wrote:Exclusive Feature: WiiWareWave Staff Viewpoint ~ Our Predictions For Today's Nintendo Direct 2-510

Hiya everyone I'm kinda new at this so please bare with me, but I think I'll add 5 predictions to this feature.

  1. Metroid Prime 2 & 3 HD: I think the writing is on the wall after the previous Nintendo Direct that the other Metroid Prime games are going to be remastered on Switch at some point and I think the time is now. I fully expect Metroid Prime 2 HD to be made available immediately following the direct with Metroid Prime 3 HD releasing near the end of the year.

  2. Metroid Prime 4: My first prediction leads up to a brief teaser trailer for Metroid Prime 4 with an Early 2024 release window.

  3. Xenoblade Chronicles X+: My next prediction is a little bit of a pipe dream, but I predict that a port of Xenoblade Chronicles X will be released with bonus content to finish the several chapters that were cut due to time restraints in the original release on the Wii U This will have a holiday 2023 release window.

  4. Super Mario RPG Remake: Now hear me out. Square Enix and Nintendo are the developers of Super Mario RPG and I believe that this will be the rumored SNES remaster that we've been hearing about fully remastered with Square Enix's 2D HD engine that was used in games such as Octopath Traveler and Triangle Strategy.

FuManchu: wrote:Exclusive Feature: WiiWareWave Staff Viewpoint ~ Our Predictions For Today's Nintendo Direct 28-1610

I'm going to make 4 predictions myself and here they are.

  1. Chrono Trigger HD Remake: I believe that we will see the rumored remake of Chrono Trigger in the Direct though I'm not sure if it'll be a 3D remake or 2D HD remake. I expect a December 2023 release.

  2. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe BCP Wave 5: There's absolutely no way Nintendo isn't going to announce the upcoming dlc in tomorrow's Direct. I suspect it'll release next week.

  3. Super Mario Sluggers S: This one is just a hunch based on the fact that the Slugger franchise is the only mainline Mario sports series that is still absent on Switch. I predict a September 2023 release for this one.

  4. Persona 3 ReLoad: This is another educated guess based on the self-leaks that Atlus gaffed up last week during Microsoft's E3 presentation. I predict a holiday 2023 release.

KeAfan7: wrote:Exclusive Feature: WiiWareWave Staff Viewpoint ~ Our Predictions For Today's Nintendo Direct 1-9610

  1. Kid Icarus Uprising HD: Sakurai-San himself admitted his desire to release the game on Switch last year and I believe he may do just that! I'm guessing it'd release sometime between October 2023 and February 2024.

  2. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe BCP Wave 5: Just like FuManchu I also believe the DLC will be revealed later today, however my prediction is that it'll be available immediately after the presentation!

  3. The Legend of Zelda Tears of The Kingdom DLC: As for my final prediction? I'm quite certain that DLC for the latest Zelda title will be teased, but am unsure if a release window will be shared quite yet.

What do you think of our predictions? Also what are your predictions and or hopes for today's Nintendo Direct? As always be sure to let us know in our comments section below!


#Exclusive #Feature #NintendoDirect #StaffViewpoint #Switch #eShop #Gaming


Last edited by KeAfan7 on October 24th 2023, 9:18 am; edited 1 time in total

Exclusive Feature: WiiWareWave Staff Viewpoint ~ Our Predictions For Today's Nintendo Direct Rukiafan7

Exclusive Feature: WiiWareWave Staff Viewpoint ~ Our Predictions For Today's Nintendo Direct 19654

Exclusive Feature: WiiWareWave Staff Viewpoint ~ Our Predictions For Today's Nintendo Direct 87457210

Exclusive Feature: WiiWareWave Staff Viewpoint ~ Our Predictions For Today's Nintendo Direct Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!

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@OrionJZed @Amufungal @KokorOtaku @FuManchu @SunDownSamurai You haz been summoned!

Exclusive Feature: WiiWareWave Staff Viewpoint ~ Our Predictions For Today's Nintendo Direct 200.gif?cid=c38ef77eh5io8r6uwvigyk5by36egzflz93qvontxp9manyc&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200

Aqua Cherry Blossom likes this post

Aqua Cherry Blossom
@Amufungal @KeAfan7 @FuManchu Nice predictions lol. Smug
@Amufungal Nice job on predicting Super Mario RPG Remake! Exclusive Feature: WiiWareWave Staff Viewpoint ~ Our Predictions For Today's Nintendo Direct 631737971
I love that Pikmin 1 and 2 were the shadow drops, hopefully they continue to do these for GCN and Wii era games
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