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Are there any plans to add a videos page or to add a documents page? Empty Are there any plans to add a videos page or to add a documents page?

July 22nd 2011, 3:40 pm
I'd like to be able to find videos easily instead of having to search the forums for them,also It would be cool if you had a page to post walkthroughs or guides like you can at gamefaqs it needs to be simple enough to run on wii though.

on a final note I like that random review that comes up on the portal,but I think you should also add a random post one for forum posts Very Happy

Are there any plans to add a videos page or to add a documents page? Empty Re: Are there any plans to add a videos page or to add a documents page?

July 22nd 2011, 4:40 pm
Go to the old WiiWareWave site. That is used by Rukiafan for video's.

For faqs, there is really no point in my opinion for doing that while there are excellent sites like gamefaqs around with walkthroughs for almost all games. I doubt it would add a thing to the site, but that's a descision Rukiafan have to made. It's his site.

Glad you like the random review on the portal, but a random post is not only impossible but also pointless. What if it will show a post of one of the forum games, or one of the many topics about the "milestones" WiiWareWave have achieved, or a review (since those are forumposts as well), or one of the topics where a mod or member had gone or why no-one have posted. It will be a total mess. But thankfully it's impossible, so what are we talking about Wink.
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