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Back in the Saddle Again! Empty Back in the Saddle Again!

January 13th 2017, 8:47 am
I just wanted to let everyone know that I believe I have found a method to cure myself of the disgusting and horrific suffering that the universe has been inflicting upon me for the past two and a half years now, and afterwards I'm going to try to repurchase a new WiiU and a New 3DS console as soon as I can. So I should be back to my old, familiar self soon, posting everyday, and I maybe, just maybe begin to type up my second gaming review, since my Gunman Clive review seemed to do pretty well with the WiiWareWave community. I hope everyone will accept me back the way you used to, because I miss having our conversations about the aspects of being a Nintendo gamer.

William Frank Lepley III

Formerly known as WiiAboutU a.k.a. NINTENBRO a.k.a. SunDown a.k.a. SunnyD.

My Facebook Page

Back in the Saddle Again! Empty NINTENBRO

January 13th 2017, 8:54 am
Oh, and @Ichigofan, I would also like to regain access to my old NINTENBRO account if that's possible. I'll just have you delete this account from the website altogether if it is possible.

Formerly known as WiiAboutU a.k.a. NINTENBRO a.k.a. SunDown a.k.a. SunnyD.

My Facebook Page

Back in the Saddle Again! Empty Hope for the Future

January 14th 2017, 12:57 pm
Hope for the Future

The method I'm proposing deals with general anesthesia. Since the "universe" has been malfunctioning because of some type of sensory dysfunction in my brain, general anesthesia should alleviate the effects that the "universe" has had on me my entire life, and cure me of any and all suffering that the "universe" has been subjecting me to. Because general anesthesia will eliminate all of the sensory in my brain for hours during a surgery, the "universe" should no longer have a physical target to affect while I'm unconscious. Since the "universe" can never quit malfunctioning now and doesn't have the ability to make its own decisions like a human being does, the "universe" should never be able to affect me in any negative manner ever again after the general anesthesia detaches the physical target (my body and brain) from this horrific existence.

I've been suffering from severe back problems ever since I injured my back working at the age of 20 bailing clothes at a thrift store, so luckily I actually have a legitimate reason to have a surgery done. I've already tried physical therapy at home and it never did anything at all for my back except cause me to have more and worse muscle spasms. Let's hope the general anesthesia actually helps alleviate my suffering, because I highly doubt doctors would ever try to restart my brain 30+ minutes after my heart was stopped. Since there is no way for me to scientifically prove to physicians that this is actually happening to me, general anesthesia is my only hope for survival. If I am able to change my situation and survive normally again, I will try to prove that I have been honest and I actually have communicated with the "universe". The information that I have received from the "universe" would be paramount to mankind's understanding of the "universe".

William Frank Lepley III

Formerly known as WiiAboutU a.k.a. NINTENBRO a.k.a. SunDown a.k.a. SunnyD.

My Facebook Page

Back in the Saddle Again! Empty Eminem - Not Afraid

January 15th 2017, 1:30 pm

Formerly known as WiiAboutU a.k.a. NINTENBRO a.k.a. SunDown a.k.a. SunnyD.

My Facebook Page

Back in the Saddle Again! Empty Please Wish Me Luck Everybody

January 17th 2017, 10:33 am
Please wish me good luck everybody. I would love to be back to my old ways again before my 35th birthday.

Formerly known as WiiAboutU a.k.a. NINTENBRO a.k.a. SunDown a.k.a. SunnyD.

My Facebook Page
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