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October 12th, actually


Retro: Graphic novel version of Nintendo Power's "Super Mario Adventures" coming this fall Unknow10

In the early 1990s the Nintendo Power magazine published a series of comics featuring Mario and Luigi inspired by the now-classic game Super Mario World. Now the collection of said comics is coming in graphic novel form and will publish on October 12th 2016. If you're a fan of these comics, it should be worth the $14.99 it costs (and right now it's only $10.59!)

You can find the graphic novel here

Source via Nintendo Everything


#Nintendo #News #General #Retro #Comics #NintendoPower

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This is pretty cool stuff and it's alot better than Nintendo's own Mario cartoons and comics. Yes it's still Nintendo licensed, but this comic was technically second party. Wink
Awesomecondiment! Happy
@Ichigofan I stand by my version. Razz
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