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Is it Worth Getting a New 3DS XL? Empty Is it Worth Getting a New 3DS XL?

May 3rd 2016, 11:10 pm
After roughly two years, my Black + Blue 2DS finally wore itself out, and I had to transfer my Gamer★Zack 3DS file to a temporary "lifeboat" until I find it a more permanent home. I had considered getting another 2DS, but I'm much more interested in upgrading to a New Nintendo 3DS instead.

Therein lies the dilemma: I'm not 100% certain if I feel the need to update as opposed to getting a regular 3DS. If anyone owns either a New 3DS or a New 3DS XL, could you please share your thoughts on it? How are the new features? Is the super-stable 3D any better than the classic style? Do games run smoother on the newer hardware? Any and all advice would be most welcome. Thanks in advance! victory

By the way, if I picked the New 3DS XL, I'd be happy to choose the new Hyrule Edition console to go along with my Super Mario Nintendo DS lite and my Pokémon Yellow Nintendo 2DS. Mario, Zelda and Pokémon are without a doubt my absolute favourite Nintendo franchises! Is it Worth Getting a New 3DS XL? 631737971

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

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