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If you feel that muscle bound macho men in video games are getting a little old and overdone rejoice, Shutshimi totally isn’t that.


eShop: Shutshimi Blasts its way onto the WiiU  Shutsumi_zpsxzplixfl

Developed by Neon Deity Games and Published by Choice Provisions Shutshimi has players taking on the role of ……..….Muscle Bound Fish???

Yes that’s right Muscle bound fish, Muscle Bound Fish with memory problems, as they protect the seven seas with their “trusty Bullet Morphing Shotguns”. Shutshimi is classic Shoot em up that has players battling waves of enemies, collecting power–ups and battling awesome bosses.

Shutshimi isn’t just another Shump title though as its Ten Second Combat and Upgrade cycles add an extra layer of difficulty and gameplay that sets it apart from similar titles.

eShop: Shutshimi Blasts its way onto the WiiU  Shutshimi_zpsn94cnqk6

The WiiU version of the game will feature Co-op and Off-Tv Play via the Gamepad. Though the game has been released on the PSN Network and Steam for a bit it’s just today that it has been confirmed for WiiU via the games Twitter page. Look for this title to hit the E-shop on February 4th 2016.

Shutsumi Official Site


#WiiU #eShop #Shmup #ChoiceProvisions #Nindie


Nintendo Network ID: KingreX32


eShop: Shutshimi Blasts its way onto the WiiU  Captaincanucksigcopy
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January 27th 2016, 8:52 pmKeAfan7
Thanks for writing this up dude. I'll quickly edit it to match our new article format. Wink
January 27th 2016, 8:53 pmKingreX32
No problem, what exactly is the new format?
January 27th 2016, 8:59 pmKeAfan7
This. It gives it more uniformity. I'm actually going through our previous reviews, bit-by-bit and reformatting them. It's going to take awhile though what with nearly 500 reviews to edit! Prinny
January 27th 2016, 9:03 pmKingreX32
Good luck with that
January 27th 2016, 9:05 pmKeAfan7
I predict that it'll probably take a year to accomplish, but it shouldn't take more than 10-15 minutes per review to edit them into this format on the Wii U browser, probably 5 minutes tops on a PC. Wink
January 27th 2016, 9:35 pmKingreX32
You should probably invest in another computer. Preferably a desktop this time.
As strange as this sounds and looks I'm very interested in Shutshimi. Smile
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