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No More Stickers Please.


Rumormill: A New Paper Mario Game Might Be Hitting The Wii U This Year Paper-10

Emily Rogers recently posted several tweets about a rumor she heard regarding an unannounced Wii U game from Nintendo. This is based on information that she, as well as two other people, gathered from various sources.

According to the rumor, Intelligent Systems has been developing a new Paper Mario game for the Wii U console and that the game is now being localized and tested, which suggests that the game could be arriving in the coming months.

What do you think of this rumor? Do you hope it's true? We would love to see your thoughts below!

Source: Nintendo Everything.


#WiiU #Retail #eShop #PaperMario #Nintendo


I'm in love with love! ♥️
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If it was an RPG that would make the last 2 years of the WiiU great
Paper Mario: Drawing Board, a return to the classic RPG-style battle and level-up format with a plot themed around drawing and colouring. That's my guess, anyway. Happy
If it's anything like Sticker Star I'll pass. Evil or Very Mad
well nothing was announced yet... besides the Pikachu Detective game for 3DS
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