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Aqua Cherry Blossom
Aqua Cherry Blossom
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I just received the wrong faceplate from the Official Nintendo UK Store TwT Empty I just received the wrong faceplate from the Official Nintendo UK Store TwT

March 5th 2015, 1:21 pm
I ordered the Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask New 3DS faceplate from the Official Nintendo UK Store shown below

I just received the wrong faceplate from the Official Nintendo UK Store TwT Origin10

And instead I got the ugly Legend of Zelda Triforce faceplate instead lol. Rolling Eyes

I just received the wrong faceplate from the Official Nintendo UK Store TwT Origin11

Has this happened to anyone else or am I just that unlucky lol. Sad

I just received the wrong faceplate from the Official Nintendo UK Store TwT 1210

I just received the wrong faceplate from the Official Nintendo UK Store TwT D9qgr310

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I just received the wrong faceplate from the Official Nintendo UK Store TwT Empty Re: I just received the wrong faceplate from the Official Nintendo UK Store TwT

March 18th 2015, 12:29 am
That is just ridiculous. How could Nintendo themselves have made such a humongous mistake like that? I just received the wrong faceplate from the Official Nintendo UK Store TwT 1625187496

Have you gotten in touch with someone at Nintendo? I'm sure that you would be able to sort out this situation without too many problems. Smile

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

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