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It's that massive

Xenoblade Chronicles X is so massive it almost needed two discs Xenobladechroniclesx-770x472

Xenoblade Chronicles X is approaching release in Japan, and we are receiving more and more information on it. One of the statements released was that the massive size of Xenoblade Chronicles X will barely fit on one disc.

Producer Shingo Kawabata of Xenoblade Chronicles X explained this in recent posts on twitter:
Xenoblade Chronicles X is using up most of the space on the Wii U disk. It's really, really close to the storage limit. (To the point that at one stage we were considering using more than one disk for the game). To enjoy playing, the enormous seamless map must load quickly (which was achieved through the hard work of our programming division), but we had help from Nintendo proper implementing a further improvement to what we had. I believe we're going to reveal the details of that on the official page in the future, but to people considering purchasing the packaged version of the game, as one of the game's developers, I highly recommend you make use of this improvement.

Considering the size of a Wii U disc is 25GB, expect to see something close to that in a digital download, so if you are wanting to get it digitally you will probably have to have an external hard drive.

Xenoblade Chronicles X looks to be a huge game, and something to be very excited about when it releases later this year.

Source from Nintendo Life

Last edited by Gamergy on January 31st 2015, 10:07 am; edited 1 time in total
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I have a 2TB hard drive so space in not an issue for me. It's great more games are using up this much space
Xenoblade Chronicles X is going to be an epic RPG. Too bad most of the other games in the genre that have been released recently are too short and linear.
@Gamergy Thanks for posting this article. Wink
I'm ready for a new massive adventure! =)
This and Zelda U are two games that will take a bunch of time to finish. Smile
I cant wait to play this game. Im not a big rpg fan but this game has me very excited.
The only game I have that's that big is LEGO City Undercover
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