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Is anyone downloading the Omega Ruby Alpha sapphire demo. Empty Is anyone downloading the Omega Ruby Alpha sapphire demo.

October 16th 2014, 6:38 pm
Well are ya? I think it came out today. Im excited for that game, for a couple of reasons, one, I get to go back to the hoenn region, two, I finally have a reason to buy a 3DS, and three, ive accomplished so much in Black 2, I cant wait to transfer my pokemon over and see them in glorious 3D.

So anyone downloading it?

Nintendo Network ID: KingreX32


Is anyone downloading the Omega Ruby Alpha sapphire demo. Captaincanucksigcopy
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Is anyone downloading the Omega Ruby Alpha sapphire demo. Empty Re: Is anyone downloading the Omega Ruby Alpha sapphire demo.

October 17th 2014, 11:02 am
I will Smile
Welcome back dinosaur fan Smile

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Fighting evil by moonlight.
Winning love by daylight.
Never running from a real fight.
she is the one named sailor moon!

From the Sailor Moon opening song.
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