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eshop: Ittle Dew Wii U Screens Wiiu_s10

Ittle Dew an adventure title inspired by The Legend of Zelda and developed by Ludosity will be released on the Wii U eshop tomorrow for $9.99. Our review won't be finished for at least a few more days so here are some screenshots of the Wii U version of the game. All of these screenshots have been taken directly from the game using the Wii U browser.

eshop: Ittle Dew Wii U Screens Wiiu_s11 eshop: Ittle Dew Wii U Screens Wiiu_s12

eshop: Ittle Dew Wii U Screens Wiiu_s13 eshop: Ittle Dew Wii U Screens Wiiu_s14

eshop: Ittle Dew Wii U Screens Wiiu_s15 eshop: Ittle Dew Wii U Screens Wiiu_s16

I'll be king of the pirates! ~Monkey D Luffy~

eshop: Ittle Dew Wii U Screens Opb10
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May 28th 2014, 6:09 pmClαππαd
I was hoping that the game would look better than the Steam version.
It still looks nice so I guess it's not really an issue. Smile
May 28th 2014, 6:24 pmGuest
The game looks like a flash game, but that's not to say that it'll be a bad game just because of that. Smile
Aqua Cherry Blossom
May 28th 2014, 6:54 pmAqua Cherry Blossom
Kushina wrote:The game looks like a flash game, but that's not to say that it'll be a bad game just because of that. Smile
The screens look good in my opinion lol. Smile
May 29th 2014, 11:29 amFM_Alchemist
The screens scream I'm a flash game, but the game itself seems fun so far now that I've downloaded this game. It's no Zelda, but it isn't bad.
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