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April 4th 2013, 6:24 pm
It's almost lunchtime! Very Happy

Tasty prime beef mince likes to play Wii. lol!

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

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April 5th 2013, 9:32 am
Noon tomorrow'd be a-okay!

TPBM doesn't realize what time it is in my timezone, because he didn't check GXT for a week or so now.
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April 5th 2013, 2:34 pm
At the time of this post, it is roughly 11:35 PM on Friday, 5th April 2013 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Smile

TPBM is a plate of Fettuccine Alfredo.

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
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April 5th 2013, 5:58 pm
Surprised ...

TPBM is a Huckleberry Bread Pudding Razz
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April 5th 2013, 8:08 pm
I prefer to think of myself as a G.G.G. - a gigantic gamer geek. Razz

TPBM would visit my Animal Crossing town online if she or he had [Let's Go to the [City] Folk].

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

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April 5th 2013, 11:57 pm
GamerZack7 wrote:I prefer to think of myself as a G.G.G. - a gigantic gamer geek. Razz
You really don't wanna know what GGG means Rolling Eyes

GamerZack7 wrote:I TPBM would visit my Animal Crossing town online if she or he had [Let's Go to the [City] Folk].
Possibly, maybe, guess so ....

TPBM is offline but watching Razz
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April 6th 2013, 1:29 am
But I'm online and waiting to chat with you pre-GP. Surprised

TPBM likes to eat PWPSAWB. Smile

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

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April 6th 2013, 1:52 am
GamerZack7 wrote:But I'm online and waiting to chat with you pre-GP. Surprised
I'm sorry, we were having breakfast. I just solved another issue concerning the chatbox here and on my site.

GamerZack7 wrote:TPBM likes to eat PWPSAWB. Smile
What's that? Short for a sort of pinguin soup? Razz

TPBM will not show up in chat for another 5 minutes... Laughing
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April 6th 2013, 1:56 am
You were right. Neutral

TPBM now knows that PWPSAWB stands for poffertjes with powdered sugar and whipped butter. Wink

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

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April 6th 2013, 11:57 am
GamerZack7 wrote:TPBM now knows that PWPSAWB stands for poffertjes with powdered sugar and whipped butter. Wink
Rolling Eyes Does it? Laughing

TPBM will be on when I'm off Neutral
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April 6th 2013, 4:06 pm
I am logged-in while you're logged-off! Are you psychic?! Surprised

The person below me likes to watch animé.

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
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April 6th 2013, 11:01 pm
GamerZack7 wrote:The person below me likes to watch animé.
I do, but it's not my favourite Wink

TPBM likes to see more of those traditional Dutch recipes.
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April 6th 2013, 11:51 pm

The person below me is extra-cautious when using ATMs.

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

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April 7th 2013, 1:41 am
GamerZack7 wrote:The person below me is extra-cautious when using ATMs.
OMG! Now what? That's the trouble with TWA's Rolling Eyes Different things to different people.

TPBM would like to know the recipe of Appelflappen Laughing
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April 7th 2013, 3:37 am
Apple pancakes?! Surprised

TPBM lives in the Netherlands.

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/OrionJZed
YouTube: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCG3iWvffWOZoci2vjsHPjQQ

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April 7th 2013, 4:13 am
GamerZack7 wrote:Apple pancakes?! Surprised
Apple fritters, like apple-filled donuts Razz
GamerZack7 wrote:TPBM lives in the Netherlands.
And that's a zillion miles away Razz

TPBY isn't from Australia Laughing
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October 22nd 2013, 2:07 pm
You're correct. Wink
The Person Below Me lives within 50 miles/ 85 kilometers from the ocean. Wink

The person below you - Page 6 Rukiafan7

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October 22nd 2013, 2:31 pm
Yep, in fact I live relatively close to an ocean-themed theme park. Wink

The person below me is a high-ranking staff member right here on WiiWareWave. The person below you - Page 6 631737971

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

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Himawari Chan
Himawari Chan

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October 22nd 2013, 2:36 pm
I'm just a low posting member. Smile
TPBM is currently playing Pokemon X. Smile
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October 22nd 2013, 2:38 pm
Actually, I'm making posts on WiiWareWave at the moment. Wink

The person below me likes grilled cheese.

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
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November 8th 2017, 9:59 pm
No I'm a necromancer! JK anyways TPBM wasn't even a member when the person above me posted! Razz

Sent from Topic'it App

The person below you - Page 6 Rukiafan7

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The person below you - Page 6 Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!
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November 10th 2017, 8:13 pm
Of course I was! I AM the person who posted above you! Silly @Reanfan! Razz

The person below me enjoys reading the Chromaicora Adventures.

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
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September 12th 2018, 12:05 am

The person below me is a Cyan colored Octoling. Happy

The biggest Tales of fan in the land!

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September 12th 2018, 9:36 am
Nope the person below me is a fan of Rean

I feel unaccomplished and need to give my heart out. Where’s my Kokoro no Tomo? Sad I love you
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September 12th 2018, 3:15 pm
No, but I'm a fan of @Reanfan The person below you - Page 6 631737971 Wink

The person below me used to be a fan of strawberries (Ichigo)

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/OrionJZed
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September 14th 2018, 5:40 pm
Nope I’m a fan of Japan and it’s women
The person below me is a tree that is common in Japan and these trees are romantic to me and one of them is a heart shaped one that I would take my girlfriend to on our Anniversary

I feel unaccomplished and need to give my heart out. Where’s my Kokoro no Tomo? Sad I love you
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The person below you - Page 6 Empty Re: The person below you

September 14th 2018, 6:00 pm
Nope, but I do have a Cherry Tree sapling in my garden. Wink

The person below me is an otaku. king

The person below you - Page 6 Rukiafan7

The person below you - Page 6 19654

The person below you - Page 6 87457210

The person below you - Page 6 Bleach10

Bleach Thousand Year Blood War is upon us! W00t!
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September 14th 2018, 7:24 pm
Yeah I guess but I’ve been feeling less like one lately Sad the person below me is an octoling

I feel unaccomplished and need to give my heart out. Where’s my Kokoro no Tomo? Sad I love you
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September 15th 2018, 2:58 pm
"Nailed it!"

The person below me is a Crusty Seanwich. Razz
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The person below you - Page 6 Empty Re: The person below you

September 16th 2018, 6:47 pm
The person below me is ace quid

I feel unaccomplished and need to give my heart out. Where’s my Kokoro no Tomo? Sad I love you
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September 17th 2018, 7:55 am
Nope, an Octoling. Wink

The person below me just read the words "The person below me just read the words".

Current Avatar: William "Will" O'Wisp

DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/orionjzed
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/OrionJZed
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